002 -- [Video]

Sep 15, 2011 11:46

[Break is sitting on the front porch of Gilbert's house with something in his hand. He shows it to the screen. It's a cupcake.]

Aren't these a nice thought?

[Break pulls the cake away from the screen.]

I found them outside just as I was leaving today. There was even a note on the box. What a wonderful gift!

[And he starts eating it. Video still ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, xerxes break, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima

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[Video] loyalraven September 16 2011, 04:40:37 UTC
...you shouldn't eat food that you just find. [Seriously. He's not taking care of you if you get sick. Or poisoned. Or anything like that.]


[Video] breaking_candy September 16 2011, 07:32:54 UTC
But it came with this lovely note~!

[Break hands the note over. Of course he can't read it, but the script was in pen and the indents in the page gave away the girly hand-writing. He thought he made out the name, 'Lilly', which he did. Liechtenstein dropped them off.]


[Video] loyalraven September 16 2011, 19:43:58 UTC
[Gilbert leans closer to the screen to peer at the note. A frown. He doesn't recognize the name, but at least if it has a note attached to it, it's not some random attempt at poisoning. Probably. There was that one time where the food in the city turned them all into children. But that was quite a while ago.] Tch. So now you're mooching off even more of the city.


[Video] breaking_candy September 17 2011, 05:51:01 UTC
[The paper moves away from the screen, and the screen now shows Break's pouty face.]

I'm not mooching~! It's a gift!


[Video] loyalraven September 17 2011, 06:27:07 UTC
[Gilbert is making his skeptical face, unaware as to the tragic fact that it's lost on Break and his lacking eyesight.]

So then you're making friends?


[Video] breaking_candy September 17 2011, 17:39:31 UTC
Of course I am! You're not jealous, are you~?


[Video] loyalraven September 18 2011, 05:33:27 UTC
[Gilbert sighs. Heavily.] Just surprised. That means you're behaving yourself then?


[Video] breaking_candy September 18 2011, 06:42:25 UTC
Of course~! Am I ever not behaving?


[Video] loyalraven September 19 2011, 03:29:11 UTC
Only when you're awake.


[Video] breaking_candy September 19 2011, 09:11:03 UTC
Aw~, you're just sore because you didn't get any!


[Video] loyalraven September 19 2011, 20:07:56 UTC
[Gilbert sighs at that and shakes his head slightly.] Yes that must be it. [Just a little sarcastic.] Just save room for dinner. You probably ought to eat something that's not made entirely of sugar. [...don't mind the mother henning, Break. He's gotten quite good at it in this place.]


[Video] breaking_candy September 20 2011, 06:10:18 UTC
Aw~, but that's no fun!

[Pout. Cue Emily.]

He just wants to baby you because the idiot has no one else to mother. Keh, keh, keh.


[Video] loyalraven September 20 2011, 06:13:09 UTC
[Gilbert twitches a bit at the doll.] It's not my fault if that's what you act like. [A BABY.]


[Video] breaking_candy September 20 2011, 06:18:12 UTC
You're just sore because I got something nice and you didn't.

[Cupcake in mouth. That's right. The whole cupcake in one bite. That takes talent.]


[Video] loyalraven September 20 2011, 06:20:11 UTC
[Gilbert scowls. And then stares. Dear god, Break is horrifying sometimes.] ...that must be it.


[Video] breaking_candy September 20 2011, 06:26:03 UTC
You're not supposed to admit to it! How else am I suppose to tease you, Raven~?


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