♈ 003 ]} video+text

Aug 31, 2011 00:42

[ When the video is initially aired, the image is still quite blurry, as if it has been subjected to interference of some sort; the voice is not clear at first either and so Aradia waits until the image is steady to repeat her words. She looks surprised and the slightest hint of confusion is only evident in the way her eyebrows at curved. She does smile however, letting out a soft breath; she seems to be sitting on the floor indoors, implying that she's at home now. ]

Well word of advice for any fellow time travellers: be careful about the extent to which you use your powers here! I found that mine have been severely limited, however I do not want to bore you with all of the details through here - so I will be short and consise.

[ She pauses. ]

I saw a bunch of inhabitants, myself included but... I was unable to interact with anyone or go too far into the past. I tried to contact this point in time, but that did not work so well either - I think my little communication device must have gone haywire for a while!

If anyone is luckier than I was, or wants to discuss this then by all means feel free to visit my hive. You will find the following symbol on the door.

[ The video cuts off and she switches to text. ]

{[ ooc please refer to this post! ]}

c: liechtenstein, c: karkat vantas, aradia megido, c: naoki kashima

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