1st Shard ★ [Audio ->Video]

Aug 28, 2011 23:56

[The audio feed turns on first, and the sound of someone thoughtfully going 'hmmm' is heard.] I didn't have this on the train...

[Then the video feed turns on as the watch is opened. A figure can be seen looking down at the watch, the lower-half of his face covered in the shadow cast by the leather hood drawn low over his face. A slight movement down and to the left indicative of a slight tilting of the head, and what can be seen of the person's face looks somewhat confused.] ... not just a watch, then.

[The voice sounds like that of a young man, probably in his early to mid-twenties. While the volume is soft, it's audible enough that there's a clear echo of something contemplative in his voice. There's a small frown visible on what can be seen of his face, and tufts of brown hair are easily visible as they fall past the opening of the hood.] An empty train, and a watch that isn't a watch. Strange...

[He looks up, presumably looking at the city beyond the train station--possibly at one of the signs. There is confusion lacing his tone again.] Ruby City? Why did I...

[The watch closes, cutting off the video and audio feed all at once.]

c: marluxia, c: aqua, c: ventus, terra, c: vexen, c: riku, c: vanitas, c: kanaya maryam

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