[ Action ] Mod approved~

Aug 23, 2011 01:04

[ For someone who hated any environment that was unsanitary and impossible for him to control, he was doing incredibly well. Vexen scavenged, surviving off of eggs and flora he knew to be edible, and even fish and other such animals he captured and killed by freezing solid portions of any river he came across. Shelters were simple and easily constructed from ferns and underbrush, it was easy to cook using his shields, stakes, and hot stones as cookware, and when he found herds of large herbivores that paid him no mind, he traveled with them as long as he pleased.

He'd gathered marvelous data on extinct species. Their habits, their diets, maternal instincts and body language between individuals. When he found the Dusks he summoned couldn't be dismissed, he gave them some of the fertilized eggs he stole from the sauropods he occasionally traveled with and had them loosely follow him around the jungle, hiding in the jungle around him as not to alarm any potential herds to travel with. He found himself and the Dusks to be scarcely hunted, and when they were, it was nothing to escape by means of warping elsewhere or opening a portal.

But more than that, Vexen had been setting up the stage for an experiment.

By means of freezing the head of a Triceratops solid, it wasn't long before the beast fell. Vexen left the carcass where it was, cutting its stomach and throat open with a great sword of ice to let the smell of death spread through the jungle. Scavengers eventually came--Raptors, Compsognathus, Pterasaurs, Jaguars, Sabretoothed Tigers, and even Thylacines and Dire Wolves all came to the scene eventually the more the carcass rotted over the course of a few days--and all were trapped. Cocoons of ice, inescapable bars, and even binding limbs to exposed roots with thirty pound weights of solid ice were all methods used to trap the scavengers.

And one by one, Vexen summoned Heartless to rend the hearts from their chests. New species of lesser nobody and Heartless were discovered and catalogued whenever one was yielded, and he kept those new specimens prisoner until he had prey to offer to them, watching their behavior and techniques. These beasts provided excellent Heartless, each more cunning and deadly than those of modern days. When he was satisfied with the results and information gathered, he released them, letting them do as they pleased.

But now Vexen was after the bigger scavengers and predators. If smaller species such as the Velociraptor and Archeopteryx provided excellent specimens of Nobody and Heartless, his mind ran away with all the possibilities.~ Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Carnotaurus, and Ceratosaurus..ruthless harbingers of death if need be.

He gathered more carcasses and moved them with the assistance of Dusks, leaving them to rot slowly with the original, nearly untouched Triceratops in a big, stinking pile. Vexen warped up to a branch, standing with one hand on a trunk for balance while his other clutched the Freeze Pride, ready. He was the eldest of the Organization and tired more easily than others. But he was still a force to be reckoned with. ]

!event, vexen, c: riku, c: vanitas

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