♠ 012 [Action]

Aug 21, 2011 22:49

[Here is Jack.

Here is Jack, sitting amongst what looks to be a nest of baby hadrosaurs.

Here is Jack, petting one or two on the head as he gets to his feet, dusting himself off.]

Well, I think here comes your mother, so everything should be all right now and- ah! See, she's back! I'll just....excuse myself then...

[He begins to clamber out ( Read more... )

jack vessalius, !event, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima, c: kou, c: stray

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[Action] loyalraven August 23 2011, 03:04:08 UTC
[Gilbert is out foraging. Because well, they've got to eat. Right? Right.

What he is not expecting though, is finding Jack.

In a nest.

Being mothered.

By a dinosaur.

This is Gilbert watching from the distance. And that laugh you're hearing, Jack? Does it sound familiar. Because it should be.]


[Action forever~] bound_by_this August 23 2011, 03:43:47 UTC
[It's familiar, but it's also something of a rare sound that it takes Jack a moment to place it. A smile crosses his face, quickly displaced by a frown as he realizes the possible reason for that laughter.

He very nearly pouts as he looks around, casting a halfhearted glare around the forest.]


Re: [Action forever~] loyalraven August 23 2011, 03:58:21 UTC
[Gilbert takes just a moment to make sure that mom isn't around to take him as a threat. And he walks into sight, shoulders still shaking even as he looks up towards Jack, smiling despite the glaring.] Seems I'm not the only one who thinks you need supervision, hmm?


bound_by_this August 23 2011, 05:03:55 UTC
[The earlier look vanishes completely as Gilbert reveals himself, and sighing, Jack offers a lopsided smile.]

Perhaps you two should get together then!

[He gets to his feet, dusting himself off again.] I suppose it could be worse though. I could have been someone's dinner!


loyalraven August 23 2011, 06:07:45 UTC
She's not my type, Jack.

[Here Gilbert pauses and scoots a little closer to see about making sure Jack is ok getting to his feet.]

Are you all right? ...you're right. There are horrible things out here. [GIANT. JUNGLE. CATS.]


bound_by_this August 23 2011, 06:37:45 UTC
Hmm? I'm fine, I'm fine! [He certainly seems to be for all his waving. Then he nearly gets knocked over by one of the babies that playfully butts its head against him.]

-oof! Oh, here now you little rascal, what do you want, hmm?


loyalraven August 23 2011, 23:21:42 UTC
Glad to hear it, I-- [All right, the Hero of Sablier communing with nature is kind of adorable. Gilbert can't help but laugh again. He looks down and shakes his head slightly before holding out a hand to offer help to Jack out of the best and away from his new friends.]


bound_by_this August 24 2011, 00:21:42 UTC
[Jack manages to steer the dinosaur away long enough to accept that hand up.]

Thank you, Gilbert! And here I thought you were going to leave me there.


loyalraven August 24 2011, 01:47:54 UTC
[Gilbert helps pull Jack out of his adoptive home, still smiling when Jack speaks.] I wouldn't leave my master in the company of reptiles, no matter how much they like him. [Don't mind the "master" comment there. Call it a bit of a long ago and long-lost memory seeping through while he's not paying attention.]


bound_by_this August 24 2011, 06:44:35 UTC
Thoughtful of you. [That certainly doesn't go unnoticed, but as surprising as it is to hear it, it warms him for the memories it stirs.]

So, I suppose you wouldn't happen to know how to get out of here, would you?


loyalraven August 24 2011, 06:54:27 UTC
[Gilbert seems to not notice his slip -- if you can even call it a slip really. He does shake his head at the question though.] Afraid I don't Haven't found anything like a way out. And Raven can't get out of here either.


bound_by_this August 24 2011, 07:20:19 UTC
Even Raven? [He frowns a little.] Well that doesn't bode well, does it...


loyalraven August 24 2011, 07:28:24 UTC
[Another shake of his head.] Doesn't. It seems we're stuck here until whatever this is, is finished. But we've been getting by, Naoki and I. Elliot is trapped here too. [Ask how cooperative his brother is though really.]


bound_by_this August 24 2011, 20:57:15 UTC
Another one of their games, is it? [He sighs, tilting his head as he folds his arms in front of him.]

Ah, Elliot too? Is he all right?


loyalraven August 28 2011, 03:17:48 UTC
[Gilbert shakes his head slightly.] It seems that way. I can't think of any other explanation for it.

[A frown as he pauses.] He is. He isn't happy about being here, but still.


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 05:39:38 UTC
[He nods a little at that.]

That's understandable, but it's good to know he's all right.


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