
Aug 17, 2011 22:48

[Gilbert probably should not have ventured out alone. He's run into a number of people also trapped here, but just sitting still isn't doing him any good. They need to eat, for one thing ( Read more... )

gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima

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scalethetower August 18 2011, 02:55:38 UTC
[Naoki's been getting by well enough, really.

His old camping lessons come in handy even in the jungle. And hey. His dad always told him that, in case of getting lost, don't wander around. So he hadn't. He'd set up a rudimentary campsite, leaving markers in the trees around it so he could find his way back (his senses helped, too).

Currently? He's hunting for food. Fruit, hopefully. Trying to keep himself busy, trying to keep from worrying about Gilbert, whether he's here or back in the hou--

Of course, it's about then he hears the gunshot. And he jerks, startled. Blinks hard in the direction he heard it from.] What...? [Like he'd mistake that sound. And he's turning to go jogging through the brush and branches equally as fast.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 03:08:14 UTC
[Gilbert is far too busy trying desperately to escape from the GIANT CAT to notice things like the sounds of someone approaching. Nope. He's intent on escape and little else at this point in time.

This would be why he's finding himself barreling straight into Naoki, glancing back over his shoulder to see if he's being followed at that moment of impact.]


scalethetower August 18 2011, 03:10:44 UTC
Ngk-- [Naoki abruptly finds himself with an armful of Gilbert--because he reaches up automatically to grip and try to steady as soon as a body comes crashing to his.

All he manages to get out is a squeaked] Gilbert?! [before his shoe slips on the leaf litter and he goes toppling to land heavily on his back.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 03:34:10 UTC
[Gilbert yelps as he crashes into him, and his arms wrap around Naoki in turn. It's only when he hears his name that he realizes who it is. And his eyes widen in something like shock and relief and horror mixed all into one.] N-Naoki..! There's... it's... it wants to EAT me. [Make it go away.]


scalethetower August 18 2011, 03:37:48 UTC
--what? [Of course, it's about then he hears the very distinct rumble of an angry cat. A large, wild, angry cat. Ah. That's what, then. Yellow eyes flick up and he shifts, half rolling Gilbert over, almost crouching over him. Acting on instinct to protect and little else. And he growls himself, a low and rolling, sheerly animal sound.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 03:53:27 UTC
[Gilbert blinks up at him, eyes widening significantly. He hears the cat, nearby, but he's kind of caught up watching Naoki at the moment. Ah. Wow. His heart is beating funny now -- and not in the "oh god I'm going to die" way that he'd expect it to be. What does this say about him?]


scalethetower August 18 2011, 03:59:08 UTC
[Naoki is still growling, lowly, apparently not even aware that Gilbert's staring. His eyes are tracking the movements of the big cat and he narrows them at it, whole body tense, muscles taut and ready to jerk into motion at a second's notice.

His eyes flare briefly in luminosity and he bares his teeth, warning. He's not thinking about the motions. Simply acting upon what his body is dictating he should do. And it seems to work for the moment, the jaguar not moving any closer, but not retreating yet. He shifts, straightens slightly, and it slinks back into the dense leaves. For the time being, anyhow.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 04:05:26 UTC
[Gilbert will still be staring a bit, barely even noticing that the cat has slunk off -- save for that fight or flight response in him seems to be dying down a bit.

All in all, it's really impressive. And suddenly his cheeks are heating with a pale pink flush. And his throat is just a little dry. Umm, that was pretty impressive, Naoki. You saved him from his worst nightmare.]


scalethetower August 18 2011, 04:09:17 UTC
[Tch. Stupid cat. Staring after it for a few moments longer to assure it isn't coming back, Naoki then turns his attention to Gilbert.] Are you okay? [He pauses as he notices that flush, blinking a bit.

...No, he's not aware he's half-pinning him down still. He's still running a bit high on instinct right now.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 04:17:30 UTC
[Gilbert blinks, as though thoroughly startled by his voice. He swallows before nodding.] I... ah... mm. Fine. J-just fine. Thanks to you, I... [Screw it. This is right about where he's just going to lean up and just plant a kiss on him. Hi, Naoki.]


scalethetower August 18 2011, 04:20:41 UTC
Mmf. [Oh no, don't get him wrong. Naoki is all about kisses. He loves them, really he does, just it takes him a moment to puzzle out where this one's come from. Ah, must be relief. He leans down to return it, a little harder than usual, before drawing back.] You're sure you're all right, Gilbert?


loyalraven August 18 2011, 04:49:24 UTC
[Gilbert blinks a little, just slightly dazed as he watches Naoki. The question registers a moment later and he blushes a bright scarlet as he remembers himself. They're trapped in the jungle. He just almost got eaten by a hungry large scary cat. And all he can think about is... oh man, yeah blushing completely now.] Yes. Ah. I'm sure. [...oh hey, he didn't even notice his hand moving up and down along Naoki's bicep.] It's... it's gone, right? Thank you, I... Glad I ran into you.


scalethetower August 18 2011, 04:54:12 UTC
[He's bright red. If Naoki knows Gilbert (which he does), well. Cue some staring at him, yellow eyes blinking very slowly. Oh hey, he's noticed you kinda rubbing his arm there, Gilbert, and seems amused all at once, smile spreading easily over his face. Like he's figured something out.] It's gone; I scared it off. [A beat--] Glad you ran into me, too. I was worried about you. [...He'll let him up eventually. Really.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 04:59:31 UTC
[It's right around the time that Gilbert sees that smile on Naoki's face that he realizes he's been found out. Oh. Oops. He blushes darker at that, hand stilling at Naoki's arm. He nods.] Good... good, I didn't like it. [Gilbert, glances away shyly.] Ah well... I worried about you too, but mm... no real need to I see.


scalethetower August 18 2011, 05:05:19 UTC
[It's okay, Gilbert. If it weren't for the fact they're in the middle of a tangled bit of forest with a potential jungle cat or worse lurking around, Naoki may have pounced him by now.] Hey, plenty of need to. I get lonely if I'm left alone for too long... [He moves now to stand, reaching down and offering Gilbert his hands.]


loyalraven August 18 2011, 05:11:35 UTC
I wouldn't want that. I can't stand the thought of you being lonely. [Gilbert blinks again. He's still rather red, but he takes the offered hands and help up, clearing his throat and trying to quell his blushing.]


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