
Aug 09, 2011 22:01

[It's nighttime; the feed adjusts to the low light after a moment, Naoki having clutched it enough it turned on on its own. He'd just been listening and going through things on it, before. The pulsing glow around Naoki's marks helps him be more visible in the dark, at least. He hops (barefoot) off of the back porch of his house, padding through the grass and glancing around interestedly.]

It always looks so different at nighttime, [he muses aloud.] Tokyo was always so bright...

[Pause. He glances up now. The feed catches sight of a little glowing light, moving through the air. He cocks his head, staring. The one firefly is joined by others and soon there are quite a few, flying over the grass and around the trees. Naoki watches in fascination.]

Eh? [One lights on his arm, above his marking with its pulsing green glow, investigating it. Then another. And another.] Oi.

...don't tell me we're related. [Naoki mumbles this, amused, thumb moving in such a fashion to turn the feed off.]

naoki kashima

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