
Jul 23, 2011 22:33

[it's a fairly quiet evening at Ran and Conan's apartment - Sieg is out on patrol, Conan is similarly off doing something, and Ran is steadily working through the dirty dishes left over from dinner, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her watch has been placed on the counter next to the sink, a bit of soapy water spotting the lens, and it films an up view of her face while she works.

She's frowning an awful lot for such a simple task, her brows drawn down in thought while she steadily scrubs at a dish. The distant, somewhat troubled look goes on for quite some time while she continues to mentally chew on whatever's bothering her, and her mind is so far away that she's taken by complete surprise when an icy-cold soda can is pressed to her cheek from behind]


[jerking away instinctively, Ran smacks the watch with her elbow. It falls into the sink with a wet 'plop', followed by rushing bubbles and clanking dishes that only add to the water's distortion of the audio and video, making the karateka's voice sound warbling and muffled]


c: edogawa conan, ran mouri

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