seventh breath! ≈ [VIDEO/ACTION]

Jul 08, 2011 10:40

[Good morning, Ruby City! Does this face look familiar? It's been a while since John's poked his head onto the network -- hell, where has the kid even BEEN? He hasn't been showing up at work, hasn't been replying to posts...gosh, it's like he'd dropped off the face of the city there for a while.

Oh, wait. Maybe he did. Because here John is, stumbling out of the catacombs and looking downright exhausted, his hair matted with dirt and cobwebs, little cuts and scrapes adorning his arms.]

O-Okay, okay. [He shakes his head, adjusting his glasses as he fiddles with the communicator, slumping down on the ground beside the tunnel entrance once it's hit him that, yes, he's finally out of there.] Oh,

...hey, everyone! I'm...back, I guess? I mean, I think...I am sort of confused. Everything's kinda fuzzy. Hehe, like little bunnies, except my head is not a bunny and I don't think it is supposed to be fuzzy.

Um, not, like, furry-fuzzy. Like the kind of fuzzy you get when you hit your head on something...gosh, I didn't run into anything when I was flying or something, did I? That would be so stupid--

--but seriously. guys, I don't know what's going on! I don't even know how I got over here, and...and I was trying to call Vriska to tell her I was okay, but I can't get a hold of her, and--! [Poor kid, looks like he's starting to panic.] And what's happening with all the mirrors and stuff? Is everyone alright?

[He winces, rubbing his forehead, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut.] ...and my head really hurts.

[He's too sore to actually move anywhere, so until someone tries to get his rear in gear, John's just gonna be chilling out by the catacombs, trying not to pass out after being lost down there for a good few weeks.]

john egbert, c: lazlo

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