✙ XII ✙ [Video]

Jul 04, 2011 13:18

[Uh-oh, Ruby City. Switzerland has a project and he’s more than a little pleased with himself. His grin is slightly smug and his eyes sparkle with anticipation.

You’ve been warned.]

So. I’m renovating a house near the train station. It’s a big job, but if there are some people willing to help, then it’ll go quickly.

Theta: If at all possible, could I borrow your workshop?

Red: You and your pokemon friends would be a great help to me if you’re available.

Alphonse: Your alchemy skills would be of great assistance if you and/or your brother wouldn’t mind donating some of your time.

Francis: I could use your eye for color and painting, neighbor, if you’ve got a spare moment.

Conan-kun: I want to show you some blueprints and get your input.

202: I’d like your opinion on a few things.

Tony Stark: If you wouldn’t mind coming by and taking a look at the possible defensive opportunities for it, I would appreciate it.

Hmm... I think that’s it as far as specifics, but any and all help, be it suggestions or physical labor, would be much appreciated.

[There are directions following this feed, but if anyone happens to be walking near the train station it’ll be pretty obvious where Switzerland’s new house is considering the loud noises coming from the structure and Vash running around outside.]

((ooc: SO THERE ARE BLUEPRINTS FOR THIS HOUSE BECAUSE I AM A NERD LIKE THAT! Here’s the first floor and here is the second. BWA HA HA HA HA!))

c: france, c: janice rand, c: edogawa conan, switzerland, c: unit 202, c: tony stark, c: terezi pyrope

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