*8; action/video

Jun 12, 2011 17:33

[Denmark is out in the streets, fighting another man who - looks exactly like him with a couple of differences.

For starters, if Denmark's clothes are oldfashioned, this guy's state of dress is ancient. But that you will only see at second glance, because the blood on his clothes, the bloody decapitated head that he carries in a net that is tied to his belt, and the bloodthirsty, possessive, insane expression on his face are arresting the attention. Even those that knew Denmark during the height of his power will get the feeling that they have never seen him this dangerous. France and England might remember a similar feeling of chill from his viking days, but.. there is one difference. This guy is completely snapped.

Real!Denmark swings his axe at the other blond and reaches into his pocket, angling the device towards the other man and shouts while dodging a blow:]

Nor, Ice, Laz, Hungary and everyone, stay away from this guy!

[Yes, this is an order. He cannot afford for anyone to run into this... this. He can imagine all too well what would happen.]

c: hungary, c: norway, denmark, !event, c: unit 202, c: prussia, c: lazlo

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