
Jun 02, 2011 18:57

[Cue one video feed, featuring one rather concerned-looking young blonde creature. 202's at home, looking decidedly more casual than normal in an oversized sweater as opposed to her usual military garb. Whatever's got her looking so concerned is obviously enough that she isn't worried about appearances. She's halfway through a sip of coffee when she activates the video feed, and pauses a moment more to look into the camera as she figures out how best to articulate her concerns.]

Has... Has anybody seen Hidan around today? He's sort of hard to miss... Very big, very loud, with silver hair... Prone to things like walking up walls and talking incessantly about his religion if you'll let him.

[There's a brief pause as she takes another sip from her mug, followed by a change in expression clearly indicating that a thought has struck.]

Kakuzu, is he with you? He was gone when I woke up this morning, which as you know isn't like him at all. None of his things are even here, so maybe he's decided to stay with you again.

...Hidan, if you see this, please just touch base, all right? I... At least just let me know you're all right.

[Frowning with obvious concern, she looks at the camera for a moment more before deciding that apparently she has nothing else to add, and clicks her watch shut.]

c: sieg, unit 202, c:chise, c: kakuzu, c: switzerland

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