[Action / Video] Day 94 - That Foolish Me

May 19, 2011 17:00

[Hi Ruby City. Take a look at that. The video image you're seeing is in one of the resting rooms of the clinic. Seems like someone's been out of the loop for awhile considering the indistinguishable groaning and grumbling that the microphone's picking up. Finally, the image somewhat jerkily pans around before a pretty beaten-looking Roxas comes ( Read more... )

c: jale, c: larxene, c: izaya orihara, c: celty sturluson, c: ventus, roxas, c: xion

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[Action] And finally getting back on things... cause I missed our shenanigans. notquiteanobody June 15 2011, 03:03:34 UTC
[It was getting to the point where he wasn't minding the silence as much. Because when he listened closely, it wasn't really so quiet. There were sounds; her breathing, something steadily flowing in and out -as if really reaffirming her own existence in that moment with the simple act of breathing. There were his breaths too, a little strained as his aggravated injuries brought him a small measure of pain. It was a price he didn't mind paying -not that he was enjoying how much it hurt by any stretch, but in this moment, it was sort of a reminder that this was no mere hallucination or idle daydream.

That was probably the one upside to when he'd returned, he never felt pain or discomfort -but then he never felt anything pleasant either. It was a venerable limbo with himself and his feelings, feelings without any real outlet. Yet now, now he had an outlet. There was cause and effect, sensations both physical and emotional. And as if all his hurt and resentment from earlier were trying to yield a reward of some kind, he now had this peaceful moment where he was with one of his best friends.

Figuring that he was neither in and mood or condition to argue, Roxas merely nodded with her offer, letting Xion shoulder some of his weight -well, what little of it there was, as they walked back to his bed. When she called him on that wet sensation on his cheeks though, he gave a moment's pause and blinked for a moment as he realized that he really wasn't sure why he'd cried... he wasn't sad.]

Yeah, I'm okay... [He laughs weakly.] It's a little weird, I don't really feel sad right now, but there's tears on my cheeks.


[Action] Just hasn't been the same, eh? seasaltblues June 15 2011, 05:55:23 UTC
...It is just a little, but... As long as it's not because you're sad... [Not that she could really tell him not to be sad. Even as she had before... a long time ago. In retrospect, it felt silly that she had even said that. But it was all she could have thought to say. Not to be sad. To keep on going. To find his own reprieve before falling to the same fate as she. To be at peace with her fading. ...So much to ask, really. Too much. But it was what it was. In a way... It made that moment so much simpler though. Made things... all that more relieving as she found herself smiling almost shyly. Just that little, quiet smile.

She kept up with him with careful steps, making sure take things by his pace. His legs might have been in better working condition than his upper body, really, but after he had collapsed on her earlier, she wasn't going to let him off so easily. Giving him perhaps just enough freedom so he wouldn't feel smothered but she was definitely sticking close to him, helping him lower himself back to the bed. Whether he wanted to sit or lay down was to his discretion, but she would be right there with him either way, finding a seat at the foot of it. It just felt better that way. Being close to him. It seemed like something he needed right then... and with her being virtually worthless with helping out in any other way in the situation, it was the least she could do. Still, it was about that time that something had clicked with her. Throughout all the distractions and all the things wearing on her between them, it hadn't really hit her before. But now that her attention wasn't being constantly pulled every which way, she couldn't help but blink at the realization that he wasn't exactly... well. Wearing much of anything. A blink that slowly turned to her looking down at the floor rather than him a little abruptly, but otherwise she didn't say anything. Just remaining silent.]


[Action] Finally getting back to this notquiteanobody June 18 2011, 09:15:52 UTC
[As much as he ached, as much as he'd aggravated injuries he should've just been letting heal, Roxas frankly had no intent of taking the rest of this visit laying down. It was awkward and frankly, it really had put him in a bad mood to see her walk back into his life as she had. Yet what happened, had happened. Just like back then when she'd made a choice for him and sealed their fates -prolonging the time before he had to answer to his own by only a few days; days that he would spend feeling oddly out of place as he lived a life that was entirely a lie. Just as he'd come to terms with all of that, so too was he willing to just try and put her choice this time behind them.

The important thing was that now, she was here and he was here... all they'd need is to somehow have Axel show up again with sea salt ice cream and they'd be set for a storybook reunion. It was a notion he somehow couldn't even bring himself to chuckle at because of not only how absurd that possibility was, but just how he knew it wouldn't be that simple. Things were never that simple for them.

He was just turning his attention to Xion when he noticed the way she seemed a little less than willing to give him much of a glance anymore. And it was about then that things clicked for him -well, all the wrong things clicked anyway. With how she tended to worry about things, he figured she was probably upset and while he had no proof, he wouldn't have put it past her now to somehow blame herself for the fix he was in. Well, that was something he'd need to take care of before it got out of hand.]

Uhm... sorry about how I look right now. [Roxas chuckles somewhat awkwardly.] I really hadn't planned on getting worked over like this.


[Action] Progress is progress /o/ seasaltblues June 19 2011, 07:35:40 UTC
[That was the most important thing, wasn't it? That despite the hardships they had been through. Despite one trial after the next, they were finally together. At least them. It would... admittedly have been even better had Axel been there with them, too. But nothing ever worked out just like that for them. All they could really do was take what they could get and hope things wouldn't fall through, right?

Still, she wasn't entirely lost to his feelings. She couldn't exactly erase that kind of reaction from her mind. It was a memory that... while although it made her all kinds of uneasy. Made her false heart ache, it was something... she wouldn't forget. A memory she would hold to and... keep in mind.

But for right at that moment, it was something dropped on the backburner. Because, well- There was just something about the situation and how he... And then he was- What?

She looked up at him, appearing startled and blinking awkwardly in turn to that chuckle.]

N-No, it's- It's not about... Well, it is a little, but not... ...You don't have to apologize. It's... [She cast her eyes away, no longer being able to hold her gaze at the sight of him- Now that she had noticed that, it was hard not to let her eyes wander a little. But... But it wasn't like she knew it was okay and w-well. Pushing herself to look up at him again. J-Just-look-at-his-face.] I-It's alright. Just...


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