
May 01, 2011 00:28

[Hello again, Ruby City! This afternoon you are granted the lovely view from somewhere Up High. The person taking the video has ascended to the highest point of one of the buildings, and was perched rather dangerously on the edge of the roof. You won't be able to see who was filming just yet, since she is deliberately showing off the view first, before saying anything. Instead those who knew her might just pick out her tone from the humming that just started, the screen scanning the area from her vantage point. She liked it up here, since arriving to the city she always took solace up in high places, it's where she came to think and to be alone with her thoughts.

Finally she's turning the communicator so she can show her face. There's a smile there and she gives a small wave of greeting.]

Hello. I've decided that I very much like this video feature, I might use it more often, and the voice feature is a very useful tool as well. A clever little device once you look passed the simple watch look.

[Brows furrowing briefly, looking pensive for a moment.]

I know that most of us are here- 'us' being trolls, I'm sorry this portion will be directed to them. I just have a small question I hope everyone will answer. See, at first I wanted to gather us together so I could... relay some information? But the more I think about it the more I know this is probably not okay, for various reasons. [Holding up a finger.] One: Like Karkat's memos- I'm sorry, Karkat, despite intents and purposes they usually fell apart- the outcome would probably be disastrous and we'd spend the entire time fighting instead of listening. [Holds up a second finger.] And two: I don't want to cause more doomed timelines by giving information to those not yet ready to hear it.

So instead I'll pose a quick question, and you may not like me, you may not trust my current behaviour depending on last we spoke in your own timeline. But please, I'd like every one of you to answer this one simple question;

What was the last thing you remembered doing before arriving here. Again, this is posed to the other trolls who live here.

Thank you.

[And she's smiling again, a littke forced, but more or less sincere?]

For the rest of the city! it's... [Moving the screen again, to focus on the scenery below and beyond.]

Breathtaking, isn't it?

aradia megido

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