First Shot [VIDEO POST]

Apr 10, 2011 01:07

...What'n the heck...?

[[The feed shows a very confused Rufus trying to figure out how to work this confounded device. Unfortunately, he's never been that good at technology, so he's holding it upside-down for the first few seconds before righting the camera.]]

...Think I got it workin'. Well, uh, howdy!

[[Cheerfully, he gives a wave with his left hand. Those who have very fast eyes might notice his missing left index finger, but whatever, girlfriend. What ever.]]

Ain't never seen no kinda watch like this, but somethin's tellin' me this ain't no ordinary pocket watch. Seems like some sorta finicky magic, if'n y'ask me. But anyway, I think'm gettin' off-topic.

[[Like the gentleman he is, he tips his hat and gives a coy wink to the camera, grinning with a bit of smugness.]]

I'm Rufus Townsen. S'nice t'meet y'all. Or, uh, talk t'ya, anyway. Haven't really met no-one yet. Anyway, it'd be awful nice'a someone if they'd help a stranger like me out. Considerin' I just arrived an' all, I'm feelin' a bit... uh, confused, t'say the least. Feelin' like a fish outta water, sardines outta their can, corn growin' in th'middle'a the house, or a scorpion in th'middle'a th'ocean.

...Ain't no-where t'get a nice cold glass'a milk, is there?

rufus townsen

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