First Act of Diplomacy ♓ [VIDEO]

Apr 06, 2011 09:27

Oh! Is that how this thing works? Yes!!

[ With that congratulatory note, the feed switches on to the very bright, very cheery, very gray face of Feferi Peixes, and man, she is pumped. She holds her watch high above her head with both hands, staring up at the device with blind, optimistic confidence.

Or is it conchfidence?

We'll have time for the bad nautically-themed puns later. For now, Feferi takes a moment to adjust her tyrian goggles with one hand, while excitedly gesticulating with the other, sending the video feed bouncing absolutely everywhere. As the feed moves around, there's short glimpses of dark stone and red liquid - she appears to have perched herself on the bridge that runs over the Fiume Sanguinante. ]

Hee hee hee, this thing is great!! Kind of absurdly old-fashioned looking, but I can't go blubbering on about appearances when it's the only thing I have, huh? I wish I knew how these things worked better, I never really had the gills for technology! Kind of limited under water and--

Oh!! Listen to me, bubbling off like a newly-hatched guppy. HEY! Let me stop being stupid for a moment, okay?? [ Feferi giggles again, finally putting both hands on her watch, the feed steadying. ] God, it's like I don't even have the bassic courtesea to introduce myself. I'm Feferi, by the way! Abdicated empress-to-be! Hello!!

Glub glub!

Okay, okay! I won't take up too much more of your time. Sheesh, haha. I just have two questions for everyone!

NUMBER ONE! Has anyone seen a bunch of worry-whelps that look kind of like me? They're my fronds! Last I saw them was before I got shipped flipper over fin in your multiple-wheeled boxcar transport device, and we were just having a whale of a time! It was all sorts of stupid trouble; just one thing rocketing after another in a multicolored dramatic pinwheel. Pchooooo! [ Giggle. ] I just wanted to make shore they're alright, that's all! It's just one of those things. You know! Kinda like, one moment, everyone's worried they're going to be fishfood, then the next, you're glubbing with the dark lords in your dreams. Then, when you wake up, you're in a different place entirely!

Haha, don't you hate it when that happens?? ANYWAY!

NUMBER TWO! Um. [ Feferi looks down at the river. For the first time since she started babbling, she looks a little disappointed. ]

Is there a place to swim here that doesn't smell like metal?

c: gamzee makara, c: eridan ampora, c: karkat vantas, feferi peixes, c: tavros nitram, c: equius zahhak

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