
Mar 29, 2011 17:01

[[Theta is sitting at her chair in her shop, the clocks and clockworks around her all ticking along merrily. She smiles at the camera, though someone well versed in noting details about a person might notice that it's just a bit forced and stressed ( Read more... )

Elizabeθ Buckley, c: equius zahhak

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[Action] bentbowarcher March 29 2011, 23:10:41 UTC
[Good evening, Theta. Have an Equius wandering into your shop, sans glasses and looking a little ruffled. He had missed you.]


[Action] ergaleomancer March 29 2011, 23:50:12 UTC
[[Theta looks up, and her expression is concerned when she sees him looking ruffled. Even if only a little bit.]]

Equius, good to see you. How have you been?


[Action] bentbowarcher March 29 2011, 23:56:39 UTC
Fine. [He shuffles his feet, looking up at her guiltily] My glasses were broken in a scuffle. If it's not too much trouble, I was hoping you would have suitable replacements on hand.

And I wish to extend an apology. The events of the weekend had kept me occupied, and though I was concerned, I did not come looking for you. I have been very irresponsible.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 00:07:05 UTC
[[She blinks in surprise, her whole face betraying how stunned she is for a moment.]]

Oh, I'm hardly your responsibility, Equius, though I'm touched at the sentiment. I was stuck in the catacombs...was the weekend eventful?

[[She talks to him as she moves, getting up and heading to the back to see what she can do about glasses for him.]]

And tell me what you need in glasses...is it just the darkness of them, or are they a specific prescription?


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 00:19:01 UTC
[He shrugs one shoulder, lowering his eyes] I know. And I believe you to be a capable human being - more so than many I have met - but I still feel as though I should have put more effort into discovering your location instead of playing games.

It was very bright. And fast. [To say the least] My eyes are sensitive to light. The human celestial bodies are not as bright as Alternia's, but it is enough to make me uncomfortable.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 00:44:45 UTC
You can come back into the workshop while I work, you know~.

[[She's already rifling through drawers, and lets out a soft 'ah hah' when she finds what she wants--a pair of cheap sunglasses, though she has no intentions of giving them to Equius as-is. She takes them over to her worktable and gets out a roll of brass wire, which she takes out a hammer and begins to flatten in places. She's going to re-make the frames.]]

You make it sound like something happened over the weekend, though. What is it I missed?


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 00:51:16 UTC
[He follows her back into the workshop, being careful not to bump into anything]

The entire city was digitized. There were electronics and bright, colorful lighting everywhere. Gamzee was suitably amused by it all. Tavros was enamored with a sort of transportation device called a lightcycle which I intend to recreate. There was also an assortment of games to partake of, including races and a simulated battle game. My team won, but that is when I lost my glasses.

There was also some sort of boss battle, but [he blushes a bit] my time was otherwise occupied at the time, so I could not explain the details of that.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 01:03:43 UTC
[[Her whole body shudders, and she presses her eyes shut for a moment before continuing to go about her work.]]

Of all of the times to be stuck in the catacombs...that was fortuitous. And it sounds like you had fun? What's this 'otherwise occupied'? You make it sound like you were having dalliances with a lady.

[[She finishes the framework easily, it's not like it's hard, after all. Now comes the harder part, of picking out hinges and screwing those in. Looks like she's made about six arms for the glasses, though, wonder what she's up to.]]


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 01:12:54 UTC
It is possible that those responsible for the change rounded up those who would not appreciate it. I am under the impression that you were not alone?

It was an enjoyable diversion. Even our communication devices had been updated. I wish I could have kept the new format - it made texting so much easier. [Theta hit the nail on the head about his "occupation" - more or less. His blush deepens and he fidgets nervously] I am... I have been given to understand that humans have a different... view on what makes a suitable romantic partner. But I cannot deny that dalliances have occurred.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 01:30:48 UTC
No, there were a fair few others down below with me. Most everyone from England that I know of.

[[She chuckles amusedly when he admits to having dalliances, and pulls out a few magnifying glasses. She pulls the lenses out of them, and fits them into the loose spare arms, then starts assembling them on the frames she's made, using springs and hinges so he'll be able to position them how he pleases. Much like her own glasses.]]

But you're not human, so if anyone takes issue in your choice of partner because it's not an appropriate choice for a human...mm, you might start by asking them if their eyes are working properly, don't you think?

As long as you enjoyed yourself, though I suppose I ought to chide you about propriety at least a little bit. Were you discrete?


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 01:43:37 UTC
It sounds as though you were well cared for, despite the unpleasentness of your location.

[He frowns slightly as Theta pulls out the magnifying glasses, watching her attach them to the frames uncertainly. To him, it is an odd configuration for daily use, but he can see what merits it would contribute to his work. And he's not about to question a gift, either]

You are correct in that matter. I suppose I was just afraid you would disapprove of my choice. Though, I do find myself questioning my choice, myself. He is embarrassingly absurd at times.

Um. Mostly? [He doesn't sound all that sure about it.]


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 02:39:43 UTC
[[She lays them back smoothly along the main arms, with the length of his hair they won't even be visible unless he tucks it behind his ears.  It takes a bit more fiddling to get everything just right, and she'll be tinkering with them for a while.]]


That...is unusual, but it's not my place to say. As long as it isn't going to be public knowledge, though, I don't see the issue.


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 02:47:17 UTC
[Oh, now that is clever. He radiates vast levels of approval for that little maneuver]

Trolls do not reproduce the way humans do. Gender is largely irrelevant when it comes to matters of reproduction. The color of his blood is much more likely to cause a scandal than anything else.

[He hesitates, reaching up to twirl his hair through his fingers] I had considered making it public knowledge, even if it was just among the other trolls. I feel it would be good for his confidence if he were to understand that I do not regret my decision.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 11:06:09 UTC
Mm, our cultures are too different for me to be able to say anything, then. Though that makes me wonder about something else... If gender is irrelevant to reproduction, then why do trolls have genders at all?

[[She shakes her head, though, not really expecting him to be able to answer.]]

I suppose eventually I should ask you about blood, too...

But tell me about him and about his confidence. To make such a thing public...really isn't very polite...surely there must be another way to convince him of your lack of regret.


[Action] bentbowarcher March 30 2011, 12:52:44 UTC
I suspect it has to do with diversifying the genetic make-up, but I confess that I am not well-versed in such matters. I am, however, something of an expert on the hemospectrum, so if you have any questions, do feel free to ask.

And it is not as if I would divulge every sordid detail! [The very thought of such a thing has him blushing] Just that we had forged a bond and that if anyone dared accost him, they would be faced with my wrath. He continually expresses disbelief that I would find anything desirable about him, and when I try to explain myself, he simply deflects my compliments! It is maddening, and yet so endearing at the same time.


[Action] ergaleomancer March 30 2011, 18:17:20 UTC
'Hemospectrum'? I can tell that's to do with blood from the root words, but... perhaps you should begin at the beginning with that.

And the fact that dalliances occurred is a 'sordid detail'. You might express it in terms of friendship, but to call it such if it's more might well make him feel bad because you're downplaying it. Then again with what you've told me of trolls, I suppose that would be received differently and it wouldn't be taken as such. So... I can't advise you, I really can't. I'm sorry.


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