[accidental video]

Mar 21, 2011 09:53

[The only thing initially visible on the feed is a long, peculiar curl of hair. Almost immediately, the video jostles erratically with a bit of noise as the watch is turned about in someone’s hands.

Eventually the video settles on the face of a young man, tilting his head curiously with a small smile as he inspects the watch at a close range. He…probably isn’t aware that the object is broadcasting anything, however.]

Huh! Haven’t seen one like this before~

[He pulls his face away, the camera shifting as he stands and gently tugs at a scarlet-red scarf around his neck.]

Mi scusi! Did anyone drop their wa-

[He stops short, blinking owlishly out at his new surroundings as he realizes…this isn’t the familiar, bustling station of Venice. In fact, this doesn’t seem to be anywhere with people at all. And a seeming lack of any sign of life whatsoever makes for a suddenly concerned, nervous Italy.]

Ah….h-hello? Anyone?

n. italy, c: kairi

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