06 -- Video.

Mar 17, 2011 17:44

[As the video feed opens, one would notice something very strange about Alice when you looked at her expression -- namely, the lack of anything resembling stubborn volatility in her features. Gone, too, is the brash loudness in her tone -- indeed, when she speaks she sounds completely different.]

H-how is everyone today? It sounds rather eventful out there, doesn't it?

N-not that I'm saying that it's not always eventful! B-but... it's still nice to see everyone enjoying themselves.

[A pause, a shy clutch of her chest, then another message for the members in her household.]

Ah... Gilbert?

I-I know this is sudden, but! I do want to apologize for my behavior... in particular, it was wrong of me to keep addressing you as a seaweed head even though you have a proper name. Please... I'm sorry.

Is there anything I can do to make up for it? I'd be willing to help you around the house, too, if needed... oh, maybe I could make you and Naoki a charming dinner tonight as part of it? I think it would be quite refreshing, wouldn't you agree?

Of course, I wouldn't be so rude as to intrude, so I would take my leave afterwards, but. I just want to help, if that's okay!

(( OOC: THE ALICE IS A LIE. Yeah, seriously, when was the last time she actually offered to help. lol. Feel free to poke the new kindhearted moeblob Alice, if you so desired. lol

Also, going out to eat -- will respond when I return! 8D I R BACK. What's up. o/ ))

alice, c: gilbert nightray

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