Mar 14, 2011 13:19

[Now settled back into the ShinRa Apartments, he has fond his office almost exactly as he had left it. A little bit dusty, perhaps, untouched except for his safe and papers, but otherwise nothing that could not be cleaned easily.]

I apologize for those sirens last night. I am quick to forget even I am subject to house rules.

[He has seated himself behind his desk before turning the watch onto himself, video feed revealing sharp blue eyes and a shock of blond hair that looked oh so familiar, amusement on the man's face-]

Good afternoon everyone, how have you been? It seems I have missed some interesting things.

[Rufus ShinRa smiles, one that shows teeth, and ends the feed there.]

c: elena mellas, c: maciel, c: reno, c: Elizabeθ Buckley, c: axel, rufus shinra, c: rikku

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