001 ° Video

Feb 20, 2011 07:33

[The camera flickers on a regal looking woman sitting in the middle of the frame. With all the gravity formality and her fine dress, one may presume she's a dignitary. For all intents and purposes, she is. She gives a tight lipped smile, a minor sign of her nerves, before addressing her audience.]

Hello, there. I'm Inara Serra. Please forgive as I'm not used to making many of these. I'm a Companion and while I'm not entirely certain of why I am here or where I even am, here I am. [A hand softly straightens a hair that doesn't need it.] If someone could be so kind as to offer a tour of the place, I'd be much obliged. I have a feeling leaving isn't exactly permitted. Also if there is any cloth or incense around? I seem to have misplaced an entire box of my things. [And by misplaced, she meant left on Serenity to torture Mal.]

Thank you for your time.

c: goro fumonji, c: richard castle, inara serra

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