[video, forward-dated to morning proper because momma chapel needs to check on her brood]

Feb 02, 2011 02:31

[Christine looks exhausted, and if anyone asks why, she'll give the answer that she's been keeping an eye on the network since the switche-backs happened to make sure everyone was okay and therefore didn't sleep much. Of course, at least one person will get the truth immediately, and that's because there'd be no denying it.

The communicator watch is propped up on her desk, as Christine sits in her chair -- a change from usually being found on her yoga mat, no doubt -- with a lab coat on over a t-shirt.]

Morning, everyone. I take it from the commotion things are back to Ruby City's variation on normal, but if anyone finds anything wrong or out of sorts still, let me know, will you?

Oh, and Hope... [Here she gives a tired, but still sincere and very much her smile.] Didn't I tell you this would get worked out?

((ooc: You know that horrible, fatal disease Elraine carries around? Christine has it now. And Elraine doesn't. It's only a temporary thing, but one of Christine's taking-care-of-everybody-excessively things. Fun, fun! :]))

c: france, christine chapel, c: edogawa conan, c: ran mouri

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