
Jan 30, 2011 01:52

[Goku? Has been quiet about this "turned into the prettiest girl in the city" thing because, well, it's confusing. Very confusing. And it probably shows since Vanille's usually so-put-together, and Goku-as-Vanille is... not. It probably shows in the rather uneven pigtails he's currently sporting. And the odd little look on his face.]

Vaniiiilllllla. Your clothes are kind of hard. They should be easier. Umm... [He pauses rubbing at the back of his neck.] I kinda thought it would be over by now. Umm.. are you doing ok and stuff? Just remember, leave the diadem on, ok? It's really important!

[He pauses, glances off to the side, then glances back to the communicator.] Is it really weird for everyone else too? I mean, it's super confusing. I'm not even very hungry...

[Another pause and he leans in to grin and whisper conspiratorily.] But I'm really really pretty right now.

c: edogawa conan, c: ran mouri

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