Lost Chain Link ☆ Video/Action

Dec 08, 2010 23:07

[This most likely isn't a face that the network has seen for about a week and a half, and for good reasons too. The possession left Naminé exhausted both physically and mentally during the day, and with how the spirit was acting, she probably didn't want to be seen anyways. So now everything should be a-okay right?

Well, it isn't. Not with the crude and difficult way the feed comes on. It was like someone new was using it, and to her, it was new, despite the face having been around the city for several months. Naminé manages to get the feed upright on the first try though, but in addition to the viewing the living space of the Nobodies' apartment, the girl's face was practically blank. Devoid of emotion and perhaps normal thinking processes.

So Naminé stands there, holding onto the device and just merely blinking into it, with no other signs of recognition or reasoning for doing so. She didn't know why she had picked it up specifically, but it might have been a very vague form of curiousity and familiarity. Whatever the reason was though, she places the watch back down, still running, while she turns around to view the room a little more.

For anyone in the apartment, you might happen to notice a roaming or still standing petite blond zombie Nobody around. She's harmless really, but it might be a good idea to get her away from anything that looks remotely harmful. Cause she just plain forgot about it.]

[[OOC: Looks kinda funny dunit? Well, during the possession week, Naminé's spirit decided to have a little fun with the Memory Witch and slowly ruin her own memories. Only when the spirits were banished nights ago, her spirit inadvertently erases Nami's whole memory in the process. Therefore she doesn't remember a thing at all, and will most definitely be acting like a zombie, blank and emotionless and perhaps a little slow on the uptake about things. Think earlier Days!Roxas and apply that to her now XD However, her memory will slowly come back to her in chronological chunks as the week goes on, but until then, she's as blank as a doll.]]

namine, c: gilbert nightray, c: axel, c: xion

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