HurpDerp Hiatus End! Also CR grabby hands, yes?

Dec 19, 2011 17:10

Helloooooo Ruby City!

I'm sure you all remember me (at least the players who were around when I went on my hiatus. Hello newcomers! Come into mama-Katie' arms~!) I kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for a couple of weeks. It was that time of year with exams and all, and I've had some medical things go down in my life that's made typing and using a computer pretty unfun on some days. But, my exams are over and my health is looking better so I am coming off of my hiatus and am looking forward to diving back into RC.

I see we have a lot of new players! It's good to have you all here. :) I might as well introduce myself. I'm Katie and your resident ishinbattousai, cursemarked, 8estintentions, and unendingenergy. You can hit me up at RadiantCarousel on AIM or Whispered on Plurk.

I'll be getting back to important tags, but will likely be dropping some threads that would be silly to continue 2 and a half weeks after the fact. If I don't respond to something, or you want to let me know that you DO want to continue our threads, let me know here or AIM or wherever. This effects all of my characters mentioned above :)
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