
Sep 12, 2002 01:34

Salmar and I have decided that the wedding will be tomorrow. Hopefully, atleast, if all goes well with the muns.

Speaking of muns, mine has been drugging me for the past 3 weeks. And she took me to bad places... very, very bad places. Non-mespt places that a puppet such as myself should never go. ... o_o I don't remember much of it. I think she tried to kill me.

But more importantly: I haven't chosen a gown yet! T_T; Ahahaha, the mun didn't give me much time, now, did she? Evil...

Nevertheless, I have to choose one... now. And it must be zany. *nod* I have several I'm considering.

On one hand I have the more traditional pretty thing with curlies on the veil, or something more plain.

And on the other hand I could wear something untraditional. Like this, which I accidently ran out of the store with during my rushing around the shops. this. Or something somewhat more frightening. ... Like this


... I could just go with something both completely untraditional and mildly frightening:

... Which one is most zany?
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