May 04, 2005 11:00
today i have to go bathing suit shopping because i just realized that i am leaving for mexico on friday morning and the top to my bathing suit is uber small, and i honestly hate bathing suit shopping with a flaming passion.
keith is still in ottawa and i miss him terribly. but hes working so i guess its a good thing. and speaking of work i have so far worked 3 days.. acquiring a total of 10 hours; therefore, will be getting paid a grand total of approximately 80 smackers. that sucks... and the only money i have for a mothers day present is the twoonie that i found on the floor of my garage two days ago. hmm what would my mom love that is under 2 bucks?? m&m peanuts?? god i suck.
i miss the days at university when i didnt EVER have to dread going to work, where i knew that every thursday my parents would transfer money into my empty account.. now its back to having a job and rarely getting any money from my family.
on a lighter note: my birthday is rapidly approaching (aug 29)-- and my list just keeps growing: the cute black (or brown) coach purse that i spotted a few days ago, a PURPLE 6g ipod, this adorable brown TNA tracksuit from Aritzia, season 1 of Nip/ Tuck on DVD, the Prada perfume with the poof, and a purple Le Tigre polo shirt from Mendocino... i think this list is outrageous and borderline impossible. but we'll see eh?? i do have a father whom i never see and can be easily talked into things.. WOOT.
ahah anyways. im going to the mall now to buy a fucking bathing suit (UGGHH). BYE.
PS>> i cannot wait for shan's birthday weekend, warped tour, and SARAHS VISIT(s)!
love KAYLA