Apr 25, 2005 17:01
ok so ive come to realization that for awhile i will not be able to look at my old lj's... they all entail some sort of detail about sarah and our fun times together and i cant handle that right now, ive put some of my stuff all over her empty side of the room and it still feels painful... theres no britney, her bed is empty, her computer is gone, the random messes of ours arent on the floor and saddest of all theres so sarah so talk to me, laugh with me and just basically be there for me.
i remember coming into this room back in sept. i got here first and unpacked and her side looks just as it did then but its so much more emotional, even though ive been through this moment before... i know her now, shes not just a name on a fish with funny little googly eyes, shes my rooommate, and now one of my favorite people and best friends. i miss her like crazy and its only been hours. part of me doesnt want to accept it and i want to walk in the door and for this year to start all over again.
sure we will visit countless amounts of times and share all the same jokes and laugh at all the same things, but it all seems so surreal because theres no dirty 7, were wont be in OUR room laughing- were going to have to build so many more memories in order to make leaving 7th glen seem trivial. and as for everyone else who hasnt left yet.. we have to make the best of these days and look forward to the summer; our homes, our families, homecooked meals, no studying, no floods, no elevators, our old friends, our bedrooms, and all the fun and scandalous things we can possible do in the summer months together... we will all see each other (LOTS), there will be visits galore.
i am so happy i can leave here and know that next year when i come back i have people that i can call my friends... even though its going to be really hard without sarah always with me.
but it is true, this door has closed and now a new one is opening and with all my favorite dirty 7 girls and keith i will embrace it and make the best of it.
ps. i love you sarah!