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cantarina1 March 30 2010, 21:50:13 UTC
Name: cantarina
Age: 25
Location: Canada
Interests: Dancing, reading a little bit of everything, summer thunderstorms, and podfic.

Why you love Ruby: I love the ambiguity of season three Ruby and her sassy attitude. The fourth season's Ruby seemed to be much more obviously bad news, but I still didn't know exactly what she was up to and I enjoy her obvious conviction quite a lot.
Favorite Portrayal: I prefer Katie Cassidy as an actress, but always think of Genevieve Cortese's Ruby first. I don't even know. Can I enjoy the both, y/n?
Ruby Ships: Bring 'em all on baby, but the more wrought the power struggles, the better. (Maybe some preferences for Meg, Lilith, Dean, and Anna? Gah, someone needs to write Uriel/Ruby just for the mutual hatred!)
Favorite Ruby Scene: Clearly, breaking into the police station in "Just in Belo" and then storming out again when the Winchesters refuse to take the (physically) easier out. I also really loved the season four reveal of Ruby's motives; she's so ecstatically happy and fervent.
Favorite Ruby Picture/GIF: I love my icon a lot <3

Other characters you like from Supernatural: Anna! Dean! Bobby! Pamela! Nora from Swap Meat and Deputy Kathleen! I like to collect minor female characters. I enjoy Henrickson and Cas and pretty much everyone else too.
SPN Pairings you like without Ruby: Gen and anything that pays attention to the female cast are my favourites, but like I said, I like to read a little bit of everything. I guess I'm not super crazy about incest pairings (even, yes, the brotherfucking OTP), but it's awesome if you are.
Your favorite Supernatural episode: Maybe "In My Time of Dying"? So many good ones, but I love the connection between Sam and Dean, Tessa's introduction, and the YED plot.
Other fandoms: I currently watch HIMYM and Community alongside Supernatural. Dark Angel and Due South are also awesome and I'm just this side of capslocking about Saturday's (at long last) new Doctor Who series.

What do you do in your journal?: I mostly talk about show and fandom goings-ons, but I occasionally get sidetracked.
Journal / Open or Closed: A mix of the two.
Anything else?:


familiardevil March 31 2010, 02:02:49 UTC
I always feel like it's best to enjoy both Rubys, you never get quite the full experience unless you do :P And Ruby is definitely best in those kinds of relationships. She gets so snarky, it's the best :D

Your icon is gorgeous. *sighs at it happily*

I adore Anna, and bunches of the minor girls. And Henriksen! *happyclap* He's great. I only wish we could have gotten more interaction between him and Dean.

LOLOL @ your video. Cats are fucking hilarious, idec.


cantarina1 March 31 2010, 12:49:09 UTC
You guys (but especially bloodnfire brought me around to Cortese's Ruby. I was kind of meh about her whole plotline, but your enthusiasm and your awsome femmeslash have been strong motivating factors. One day, I am going to finish my Ruby 2.0 casefic and it's going to be awesome.

I read a great AU a while back in which the boys were raised by Pastor Jim and Dean went to work for the government instead of being the vagabond we all know and love (Sam is a hilarious hippy Drama Major at Berkley). More importantly though, GUESS WHO DEAN ENDS UP PARTNERED WITH? :D :D Ah, the buddy cop genre.


familiardevil March 31 2010, 15:31:48 UTC
Bwuhahaha. I love her in femmeslash - admittedly not big on her elsewhere, but what can you do? :P



cantarina1 March 31 2010, 15:54:28 UTC
This is not the appropriate venue for me to start fangirling Henrickson, so I'll just link you to it :D


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