Jun 13, 2008 09:51
Last Saturday was DD's synchro Exhibition and end-of-year party. The whole team created a new routine just for this event. It was cool to see all the girls doing a routine together. DD was even part of the grand finale with a special lift - she and another girl made a platform under water for 2 other girls to be lifted/thrown into the air, one after the other. It's hard to explain how it actually worked but it looked awesome! So no more synchro until September.
Sunday afternoon we went to a friend's house for dinner. LH and this guy go to all the Caps hockey games together, and we've been trying to get together with him and his family ever since they bought a new house on 3-acres out in Round Hill. Well, we finally got our schedules to cooperate - they've only been in their new house for over a year now! So sad that it took so long but we had a great time. DD may be doing some babysitting for them in the future (they have a 3-yr old girl and a 15-month old boy) because their kids adored her.
Monday night DD had swim team practice. She's been moved up to the 4th lane which has all the older kids (13+). DD is 12 so she thinks she's hot stuff now!
Tuesday DD, her Girl Scout troop, and 2 other troops bridged from Juniors to Cadettes. (Two other troops bridged from Brownies to Juniors at this ceremony.) Originally the ceremony was going to be held outside but because of the threat of severe thunderstorms and the extreme heat, we decided to do it inside instead. That was a wise decision! Right at the start of the ceremony, it poured cats and dogs, and we even had some hail about a half inch in diameter. I was sweating bullets the entire time because I get so nervous when I have to talk in front of a large group. I'm glad that event is over now. It took up a lot of my time with the planning and preparation.
Wednesday was picture day for DD's swim team. This year I only bought the Regular Memory Mate (1 individual picture and 1 team picture in a single cardboard frame) for $15. I'm so tired of all the sports and school pictures that they make you feel obligated to buy. Like you're a bad parent if you don't get a zillion pictures of your child in every activity that they participate in. So many of the pictures go to waste. All I really need is one picture for her scrapbook, and then I can always scan it and email it to grandparents if they want one.
Thursday was swim team practice but before that we had to go to DD's school and get a turtle from her Science teacher. He was giving them away and of course DD wanted one (she's such an animal lover!) So we picked up this red-eared slider from him and DD named her Ella - not for Ella Fitzgerald as people from my generation might think, but for Ella from the movie Ella Enchanted. So DD now has a 30-40 gallon tank in her room with this really cute and funny aquatic turtle in it. I sincerely hope it's as easy to care for as her teacher made it out to be. I guess I'll be reading up on red-eared sliders this weekend!