{000} ☼ HMD/Permissions

May 26, 2025 01:26

This is the standard "How's My Driving" post. If you'd like to contact me, my info is in a flocked post over here. Constructive criticism is welcome, and anonymous commenting is on. Let me know if I mess up! I want to be the best player I can be.

Feel like cross-referencing me? Read the manga here, or watch the anime here. Nova hails from the anime version, since her namesake is anime-only.


Threadjacking?: Sure! Chances are I'll be hopping into your thread at some point. Feel free to return the favor.

Backtagging?: Definitely.

Hugging/Kissing?: Nova's a very friendly, open character. She loves hugs and gives them out freely. Kisses, not so much. If it's a kiss on the cheek between friends, that's fine. If you kiss her on the lips, expect her to fluster/flail a little.

Romance?: Nova is now sixteen (though she doesn't remember her age), but she looks very young, so I don't expect much older characters to be falling in love with her. That being said, she has fallen in love in her own canon, so I'm not opposed to seeing what develops as long as it's taken slowly. I'm not playing for ships here; I want her to develop naturally as a character.

Punching/Hitting?: Why would you do that? D8 I mean, uh. >_> Sure, but don't expect her to go down without a fight. Nova is a very skilled combatant, so if she's attacked, she'll defend herself.

Injury/death?: Injury is fine, and even expected with someone who's as reckless as Nova. She got injured quite frequently in her canon, so I don't see why it'd be much different here. As far as death goes, talk with me first. I'm not 100% opposed, I just don't want her dying willy-nilly.

{hmd}, {permissions}

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