Excerpts from Kira's FAQ

Dec 02, 2008 02:25

TEXT: 皆、願いは同じなのにね…… TEXT: If, everyone's wish is the same......
I don't remember where that quote is from O.o
The following is excerpts from a Kira FAQ, found in the back of the Freedom -Kira- Data Book seen above, along with a bit of commentary by me. One of the questions in this FAQ seems to suggest these were released around episode 35. As a result many things that are now common knowledge (like him and Cagalli being twins, revealed in ep. 40 and confirmed in 45) hadn't happened yet. This does affect some of the answers.

キラとアスラン母親同士が仲のよい友人だったところからのようです。母が留守がちなアスランはキラの家で過ごすことが多く、2人は兄弟同然に育ちました。キラのほうが4か月早生まれですが、むしろアスランのほうが兄貴的だったようです。 Where did Kira and Athrun meet?
It seems to have been when their mothers were close friends. When Athrun's mother was out he would frequently go to Kira's house, the two of them were practicly raised as brothers. Kira is four months older but, Athrun seems to be more like the big brother. PIC: 詳しくはオリジナルドラマを収録した「 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED スーツ CD vol.1 & 2 」各1500円、ビクターエンタテインメント)を! PIC: Details in the original drama compilation "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Suit CD vol. 1 & 2" ¥1500 ($15.78) each, Victor Entertainment)!
-_- . . . To actually answer the question, they met in school on the moon when they were four. (It does this alot.)

キラの両親はどちらもナシュラルで、キラは弟1世代のコーディネイターに当たります。オーブのアスハ代表とは旧知の間柄のようですが、過去にどようなかかわりがあったかは不明です。ただ、両親としてキラの行く末を心から案じているのは確かです。 What kind of people are Kira's parents?
As both of Kira's parents are Naturals, he would be considered a first generation Coordinator. While they appear to have an "old friendship"-type relationship with Orb's Representative Athha, the exact nature of their relation is unknown. What is certain is that both parents are anxious, with all their hearts, about Kira's future.

キラの両親とアスハ前代表の会話で、確かにキラとカガリが姉弟であるとも受け取りれる部分ありました。真偽のほどは不明ですが、そう考えるとカガリがキラに抱きついたときの両親たちの焦りようも理解できます。姉弟で恋仲は非常にマズイでしょうから……。 Are Kira and Cagalli siblings?
In Kira's parents and Former Representative Athha's conversation, there certainly is a portion that suggests Kira and Cagalli are siblings. While it's not known in it's true, if we think that it is, we can certainly understand the parents' unsettled reaction when Cagalli hugged Kira. Since siblings having a love relationship would be very bad…….
Like I said, at this point it was hinted at, but unconfirmed. Also, LOL.

もうひとすハッキリしません。フレイとつきあっているかと思えば、ラクスに心ひかれているようでもあり、最近カガリとの仲が急接近中です。ひとす確実に言えそうなのは、押しが強く甘えさせてくる女性に弱いということでしょうか… What type of girl does Kira like?
We can't say for certain. We think he's dating Fllay but, it seems that Lacus lights his heart, and lately his relationship with Cagalli is becoming more intimate. The one thing we can say for certain, he seems to be weak to girls who are very forceful.
Because, at this point, Fllay's still alive and Kira/Cagalli might not be incest.

キラたちが通っていた学校は「工業カレッジ」と呼ばれています。理工系の大学に相当する高等教育機関と考えればよいでしょう。サイたちのアークエンジェルの即戦力として役に立てたのも、学校で得た知識があればこそでした。 What kind of place was the school Kira attended on Heliopolis?
The school Kira and the others attended was known as a "Technical College". It could be considered a University of Science and Technology like higher education facility. The combat positions Ssigh and the others took on the Archangel to be useful, they were able to do them thanks to the knowledge gained in the school.

月の幼年学校時代にマイクロユニット製作の課題で、手先の無器用なキラが「鳥」という難題を選んだためです。アスランはこれを手伝うつもりが、プラント引っ越すことが決まっていました。そのため彼はこのトリィを作り、お別れの贈り物としたのです。 Why was Torii built?
For a Micro Unit construction assignment at their childhood school on the Moon, Kira, who's fingers were a bit clumsy, picked the "Bird" assignment. Athrun intended to help him with this but, it was soon decided he was relocating to PLANT. For that reason he built this Torii, as a farewell present. PIC: トリィ | <キラのペットロボ> | 上?下? | ??? PIC: Torii | | Top view/Bottom view? | No clue
Uh, actually Athrun thought a bird would be too hard for Kira and tried to get him to pick something else. Torii was built because Kira really liked the idea of a robot bird, so Athrun, when he discovered he was leaving the Moon, decided to make him one as a farewell present.

「花」の折り紙です。女の子はさらにマッチ棒で茎部分も作っていました。弟7話のユニウスセブンで献花をするために、みんなで花の折り紙を折ることになったときに覚えたのでしょう。フレイやミリアリアに習って、一生懸命折っていました。 What was the Origami the little girl gave Kira?
It's an Origami "flower". The little girl also used a match stick to make a stem. You all remember when everybody, in order to offer flowers at Junius Seven in episode 7, everyone made Origami flowers, right. Fllay and Miriallia learned how, and worked very hard to make them.

手先の器用さが要求される細かい作業は大の苦手で、逆に得意なのがコンピューターのプログラミング。開発途中だったガンダムのOSを瞬時に書き換えるができたのも、単にキラがコーディネイターであるだけなく、自分の得意分野だったからなのです。 What things are Kira skilled and unskilled at?
He's very bad at delicate work that requires steady fingers, conversely he's good at Computer Programming. That he was able to reprogram the still incomplete Gundam OS in moments, isn't just because he's a Coordinator, it's because of his own expertise.
Also, Ultimate Coordinator. But we don't know that yet.

通常、戦闘機のパイロットには士官の階級が与えられることが慣例となっています。これは世界各国どこの軍隊でも共通です。モビルスーツパイロットの処遇は戦闘機パイロットと同等と考えられますので、キラにも少尉の階級が与えられたのでしょう。 Ssigh and Tolle are only Crewman 2nd Class, why is Kira's rank Ensign?
Normally, it's customary to give fighter plane pilots officer ranks. This is common for the armies of many nation in the world. Since we think the treatment of Mobile Suit pilots would be the same as of fighter pilots, Kira was also granted the rank of Ensign.

スペースが限られている軍艦内は相部屋が基本ですが、高級仕官であるキラには個室が割り当てられています。その最大のメリートは、もちろんプライビシーが確保できることです。個室でもないと、あんなことやそんなこともおいそれとはできませんので…。 What is Kira's room on the Archangel like?
In battleships, where space is limited and sharing rooms is common, Kira, who's a high ranking officer, was assigned a private room. The greatest merit to this, is that it can, of course, guarantee privacy. Without a private room, he wouldn't be able to do this and that….
Yeah..."anna koto/sonna koto" (this and that) is typically a euphemism for sex.........

実は大破したストリクからキラを助け出した人物いるのです。その人物こそ「機動戦士ガンダムSEED-ASTRAY-」の主人公ロウ・ギュール。詳しくは「月刊ガンダムエース」連載の「~-ASTRAY-」Parts7「閃光の果てに」をご覧ください。 When Aegis self-destruct, how was Kira saved?
In fact their is a person who rescued Kira from the heavily damaged Strike. That person is, in fact, the protagonist of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED -Astray-", Lowe Guele. For details please check out "After the Flash", Part 7 of "-Astray-", serialized in "Gundam Ace Monthly".

しょうちゅう泣いている感のあるキラ。だから弟35話まで数えてみました。涙を見せた、もしくは泣いているであるうシーンがあったのは6、7、10、15、17、20、21、22、30、32、34話。計11回。約3話に1回は泣いている計算に……。泣くな、キラ! How many times has Kira cried?
Kira tends to feel like crying easily. And so let's count up until episode 35. Scenes where we've seen tears, meaning he cried, are in episodes 6, 7, 10, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 30, 32, and 34. A total of 11 times. We estimate that he cries in about 1 out of every 3 episodes……. Don't cry, Kira!
And here we have the question that states we're only going up to ep. 35. And in this question we learn that Kira has cried in about 1/3 of the episodes so far. This is so not surprising.

And the crack question.

フラガ少佐も同じ下着を着ていることから、おそらくは地球軍の官給品でしょう。そもそも着の身着のままでアークエンジェルに乗り込んだキラが、自前で替えの下着をもっているはずがありません。下着にも階級にようり違いがあるのかは謎ですが。 Were the underwear Kira wore on the Archangel his own?
Since he wears the same underwear as Lieutenant Commander Fllaga, it's probably government issued for the Earth Army. Moreover since Kira boarded the Archangel with just the clothes on his back, he wouldn't have underwear to change into. It's a mystery whether the underwear changes based on rank. PIC: キラ (下着) | ??? PIC: Kira (Underwear) | ???
WHAT? XD (How do you not notice those are military issue anyway?)
Onward to Athrun's FAQ

translations, random information, gundam seed

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