bad day at work

Nov 22, 2005 18:58

ok so I had a shit day at work

Things have been bad lately...but today was really bad. yet a nother episode of 'basic tasks that don;t get done becuase the team don't follow things through and check everything is completed correctly' one of the girls came to speak to me about some manaul orders that 'were never completed'. Upon asking why they were not completed in september when the requested was processed I got a 'I don't know, so can you do something about it?" I informed my staff member that no, she would need to speak to the category concerned and explain to them that the manual order was never sent to the stores, and as deliveries have closed they would need to work out some way to advise the stores and give them an opportunity to order the stock. She then proceeded to ask me why she had to do it. I told her that it is her responsibility to ensure that it was complete, and whilst I still oversee that departmet, I am not scheduled to be working in that department today asI have a deadline I have to meet. Therefore, she would need to take care of it. I was met with a very sarcastic pissed off 'Great".

Then a few hours later she asks me a question about checking a Buying Guide she has to complete. As I'm talking through it she says 'You didn't tell me that before' I proceed to explain to her that she told me she did not need training in this task, and an overview would be fine. I also reminded her each step, is listed in MASSIVE in depth detail in the procedure book I wrote. She replied "i'm sure it is" with yet more attitude.

Then, i send her an e-mail asking here where the outstanding responses are that were due a week ago. This is a list of suppliers who have not returned a confirmation agreeing they can deliver on time for the promotion. She sends it out to all the Business managers advising all the suppliers on the list have not confirmed delivery and as deliveries open in a week they need to make sure suppliers confirm. This is standard practice, however - she had not formatted the spreadsheet so it made sense to anyone not in our department, and she had not deleted all the suppliers from the list who HAD returned their confirmation. Now everyone is freaking out thinking not one supplier has agreed to deliver. when i asked her about this she told me she tried to change it but it wouldnt let her save it. Yeah cause thats a great excuse. I asked her if she saved it as an Excel file, not a csv file and told her she would need to send out a note to the Business Managers to advise them the spreadsheet was incorrect. No response on that yet.

So on top of all this, the Business manager I report to TOTALLY cracked it over the new extended promotional timeline - being the amount of extra time I now need to spend actually working in the promotions department instead of just overseeing it. He knows its not my fault but that he will be discussing it with my other manager.

Then...we have this new wam bam promotional system - (created by the project group i was removed from becuase I raised too many 'issues, concerns and exceptions') and I have to make all these cahnges to the promotional file. the system keeps going down over the last two days, I make changes to 200 lines only to find it didnt save becase of some oracle problem. I then had to sit around waiting for the damn system to be fixed until 6pm when they told me to go home and they would give me an extension to tomorrow - EVERYONE has had problems with this system - i knew it wouldnt work.

and that is only part of my day...

bah humbug! lol!
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