I've begun to populate a list of actors or models that appear to fit well the physical descriptions of my POI circle.
So here they are cause I'm amused by it.
Nicolai :
This guy who has a self portrait in his deviant ID.
Alaken :
Lee Joon Ki who is pretty much perfect, seriously.
Rhaze : (This is mildly embarrassing but yknow, he was the first character I EVER created for POI.) -cough- in the older days. nothing outside of how he looks in
this picture.
Alijatra : .... Inspired by
Jason Scott Lee, but this needs to be refined some... ^^;
Kaiore : -insert link that doesn't work here- is the closest thing I can find. Thank you, Google. -.- not uploading for the poster's privacy's sake as i only found it on google and if i get an error that means they don't want it shared....
Kori :
Lee Thompson Young <-- finding this made me mess myself, it's been so hard to find someone that fits his facial profile
Jallai : Off the top of my head, this girl is the best,
Stephanie Leonidas.
Taran : ...... I don't know. I really don't know. Young and dainty and innocent looking, with either straight and wispy or tight-ringletted hair.
Miashiu :
Yamapi. bweheheh.
Well there you have... most of them. Help D: -shot at-