I have a moral/ethical question for you all. Has to do with what's funny and what's not. Last night on city trade chat on WoW they were joking about child molestation. Now. I know, I know. Don't feed the trolls. Ignore them and move on. I always do that, even when I'm completely disgusted. However, this was really going too far. So I said something. I shouldn't have kept arguing with them, I know, but since I did we can all see how people react to being called on their offensiveness. Also, it seems if you think rape is bad, it means you were raped, so you don't count. LOVELY. I removed all of the actual trade chat bits since it made it more confusing. I'm also missing the very beginning, where Lily also told them to stop a couple times. I know, they were kidding, I know they're stupid young kids, but it seems to me that a line has to be drawn somewhere. I don't think it matters that they were 'joking'. The fact that they think it's funny is all in itself disturbing. What do you all think? Does it make you upset? Did I go too far or not far enough? Should I have let it go as joking? Do they deserve to be banned?
Also, they assumed I was a guy the whole time, which is pretty interesting. Actually, from a removed point of view, the whole thing is quite socially interesting. Oh. I was on my gnome mage alt, her name is Rubyjada. (because she was my second character and I'm terribly creative.) Oh, and obviously, the content of the conversation below is quite unpleasant at times, just to warn you.
Logging started on 03/22/2009 at 19:52:18.
[Purpledrankz]: DONT TOUCH ME DADDY
[Purpledrankz]: OMG DADDY THAT HURT
[Purpledrankz]: My daddy just told me to go to sleep
21:28:03 [Purpledrankz]: That's code for rape
21:28:31 [Rubyjada]: if you can't be unoffensive, then shut the hell up
21:28:32 [Bunkerboy]: i would take you as a daady raped
21:28:52 [Miltocklus]: wow, that's ban worthy...everyone complan about purple
21:28:57 [Darkfiremage]: NO U
21:29:10 [Skyggen]: why complain about purple?
21:29:13 [Purpledrankz]: Why would you ban me?
21:29:13 [Skyggen]: i like that color
21:29:17 [Purpledrankz]: That's so rude
21:29:29 [Purpledrankz]: I mean you guys are all really nice people
21:29:41 [Bunkerboy]: awww
21:29:44 [Bunkerboy]: thanks
21:29:44 [Skyggen]: no
21:29:46 [Purpledrankz]: I apolgize for the things that ive done
21:29:48 [Darkfiremage]: LOLOLOLOLOL MY PENIS IS PURPLE
21:29:53 [Purpledrankz]: And the things that haven't happened yet
21:29:57 [Unholygrail]: O.o
21:30:07 [Bunkerboy]: stop putting it in the vacum
21:30:14 [Unholygrail]: Yeah doofy
21:30:15 [Nemasist]: lmfao
21:30:19 [Purpledrankz]: But it feels so nice
21:30:23 [Skyggen]: Brb. gonna tuck in my son. Told him to get off WoW 10 mins ago and he's probably ready for his "massage"
21:30:36 [Purpledrankz]: That was just
21:30:39 [Purpledrankz]: To much sky
21:30:42 [Nemasist]: yep
21:30:45 [Skyggen]: his name is purpledrankz
21:30:47 [Purpledrankz]: LOLOLOL MY DAD ALREADY DID THAT TO ME
21:30:51 [Deziree]: I hate WoW weekends lol
21:31:17 [Rubyjada]: is it fun being a disgusting asshole? just wondering.
21:31:25 [Purpledrankz]: Hey guys
21:31:30 [Purpledrankz]: How's it going!
21:31:38 [Skyggen]: I walked in my son's room to say good night and he was masterbating on our dog's back. What do i say to him?
21:31:49 [Purpledrankz]: My god son it's bigger then mine!
21:31:52 [Bunkerboy]: good work
21:32:00 [Xonin]: don't be a lier like your daddy
21:32:04 [Bunkerboy]: least its not a boy
21:32:25 [Irockurworld]: next time do it on your sister
21:32:35 [Bunkerboy]: lol
21:32:39 [Rubyjada]: wow, I wonder how you all would like to be raped, since you think it's so damn funny
21:32:42 [Bunkerboy]: or your mom
21:33:01 [Skyggen]: Aka Rubyjada was raped.
21:33:01 [Purpledrankz]: Someones been watching to much LAW AND ORDER SHIT
21:33:03 [Darkfiremage]: LOLOLDID U KNOW?
21:33:06 [Darkfiremage]: I WAS IN THAT MOVIE
21:33:07 [Rubyjada]: lol aka no I wasn't
21:33:14 [Rubyjada]: aka I'm not an asshole.
21:33:22 [Purpledrankz]: Aka you like it in the asshole
21:33:25 [Skyggen]: lol
21:33:30 [Irockurworld]: dudes just an idiot
21:33:35 [Purpledrankz]: No you're an idiot
21:33:41 [Darkfiremage]: No, he just likes anal sex.
21:33:42 [Purpledrankz]: For thinking about idiots.
21:33:51 [Irockurworld]: i never claimed that I wasnt
21:34:07 [Rubyjada]: *headdesk* so thinking you talking about rape is offensive equals I like anal sex? fail to see any logic there, sorry.
21:34:18 [Purpledrankz]: Wait you use logic?
21:34:20 [Purpledrankz]: Woah.
21:34:25 [Purpledrankz]: Low blow bra.
21:34:35 [Darkfiremage]: Stfu, cuh.
21:34:46 [Bunkerboy]: so you raped your son and regreted it so now your offended
21:34:49 [Darkfiremage]: Jokes.
21:34:54 [Purpledrankz]: Well I mean
21:34:57 [Skyggen]: wot
21:34:57 [Purpledrankz]: He wouldn't go to bed.
21:35:01 [Purpledrankz]: I know what helps me sleep
21:35:09 [Skyggen]: Pistol Whip him.
21:35:10 [Irockurworld]: yeah I was thinking the same thing bunkerboy
21:35:11 [Bunkerboy]: finger in the ass
21:35:16 [Rubyjada]: I don't have a son and I wouldn't rape him even if I did. I'm not you.
21:35:32 [Skyggen]: Rubyjada
21:35:32 [Bunkerboy]: so your aying we rape boys
21:35:36 [Bunkerboy]: wow big leap
21:35:37 [Purpledrankz]: Im glad you take this game so seriously.
21:35:43 [Irockurworld]: then tell him to stop spreading rumors
21:35:50 [Skyggen]: Rubyjada
21:35:54 [Darkfiremage]: Rape = tickle.
21:36:02 [Rubyjada]: I don't take this game seriously, I think you being disgusting is offensive to everyone on here.
21:36:05 [Skyggen]: Blood = Lube
21:36:10 [Darkfiremage]: I love you too.
21:36:15 [Purpledrankz]: LOL
21:36:17 [Bunkerboy]: then /ignore or leave moron
21:36:19 [Miltocklus]: just report and be done....
21:36:24 [Bunkerboy]: not hard
21:36:27 [Purpledrankz]: But that wouldn't be fun.
21:36:29 [Irockurworld]: hmm... if it were offending people, they wouldnt join in on the conversation
21:36:45 [Darkfiremage]: Where's my lotion..
21:36:49 [Rubyjada]: you'll still be saying it. I felt like actually telling you all to stop for once.
21:37:00 [Bunkerboy]: LMFAO
21:37:05 [Irockurworld]: shouldnt have started talking about raping little boys then
21:37:13 [Bunkerboy]: because what will you do about it
21:37:20 [Rubyjada]: nothing.
21:37:26 [Bunkerboy]: there you go
21:37:39 [Vhalt]: how do I petition a GM? what's the command
21:37:40 [Purpledrankz]: Hey
21:37:43 [Rubyjada]: it's called integrity, and not always letting something go when it's terribly offensive.
21:37:57 [Rubyjada]: clearly you aren't familiar.
21:37:58 [Purpledrankz]: Oh Vhalt you need to click on the help requiest
21:37:58 [Miltocklus]: question mark to the right of your buttons
21:38:00 [Purpledrankz]: Request*
21:38:03 [Silverr]: Its the red question mark says open a ticket
21:38:04 [Purpledrankz]: Ya click on that
21:38:08 [Purpledrankz]: And then it says open a ticket
21:38:20 [Vhalt]: thanks 8)
21:38:54 [Darkfiremage]: No.
21:39:07 [Darkfiremage]: Maybe.
21:39:15 [Purpledrankz]: we don't need to lie
21:39:28 [Purpledrankz]: Fair enough
21:39:30 [Purpledrankz]: ROFL
21:39:33 [Purpledrankz]: You're probably a homo in rl
21:39:34 [Purpledrankz]: Cute.
21:39:47 [Darkfiremage]: Me and DiM are in love.
21:39:55 [Darkfiremage]: :o
21:40:00 [Darkfiremage]: Well.
21:40:52 [Purpledrankz]: My friends about to be so mad when he realises i logged on and got him banned
21:40:54 [Purpledrankz]: Sup
Would you have reported them? Which ones? And, on that subject, I received an account warning for harrassment myself for saying "21:35:16 [Rubyjada]: I don't have a son and I wouldn't rape him even if I did. I'm not you.". Isn't that great. Stand up for yourself and tell the people who think rape is funny that it's not, and you get an account warning. Whoever reported me must have really thought it was funny. *sigh* I was really too angry to be responding, though. Also, if I was going to get a warning, I'd expect it would be for calling them disgusting assholes . . .
Do I need to chill out, or is this inappropriate enough to get upset? Really curious . . .