Nick is going to win this

Feb 07, 2008 12:35

Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line (unless the first line reveals the song title) from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and track correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like the game, post your own!

1. I wanna hypnotize ya, baby, on the telephone
3. They got the mustard oooooout!
4. Sister, I'm not much a poet, but a criminal
5. I've been a bad bad girl. I've been careless with a delicate man.
6. Women, listen to your mothers. Don't just sucome to the wishes of your brothers.
7. Look what you've done. You gigaloo.
8. One foot stands before the crib the other beside the casket
9. Hey, where you from?
10. How many times do I have to say to 'get away, get gone'?
11. Don't you mess with a little girl's dream cause she's liable to grow up mean
12. You wanna make me sick you wanna lick my wounds, don't ya baby?
13. Rags and riches I made three wishes
14. Last fire will rise behind those eyes
15. GO!
16. Sick of trying to find the way inside. Sick and tired of all the after
17. Sista, can you remember me? I'm the one that picked the apple tree.
18. She comes home to me after a hard nights work
19. Here upon this pillow made of reed and willow
20. Come to the side that the things in my life were to get high on
21. I am the god of fuck
22. Tonight I feel so weak
23. Did you find what you were looking for?
24. Well my daddy left home when I was three and he didn't leave much to ma an me
25. It's twelve o'clock and it's a wonderful day
26. Wanna love wanna bug ya wanna squeeze ya, stupid girl
27. Guilt is a snake we beat with a rake
28. Eddie waited till he finished high school
29. Sweat, baby, sweat, baby
30. I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
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