Life and Friends: The real kind of both

May 29, 2006 00:11

I wanted to go to the lake today damnit. But seems like I was the only one that woke up before 1 pm. I hope we end up going tomorrow. I need some more sun. I want to go to Tulloch...I'll throw a fit if we end up going to Woodword because it SUCKS compared to Tulloch...but I'll still go. It would be nice if I could talk people into taking the drive to Don Pedro. I've never been there's about time I do something about that.

Does this all sound really surfaced so far?

It seems like I never have anything of depth to say on here anymore. It bugs me. It's just that it seems like it would be too much energy to put everything out here. I hate talking about shitty things going on because that means I'm wasting perfectly good time and energy dwelling on thanks...besides there really isn't a whole lot of shittiness going on in my life. I mean, there are a few things, but nothing that has hindered me from having the time of my life lately.

however I will say this in reference to one shitty thing that went down as of late... Merced and I don't mesh apparently. I went into that situation with the best of meet new people, have a good time...and it seemed like that's where it was heading...I did nothing wrong, and yet I got shit on. I was asked to justify and defend who I am and what I do to a handful of people who never gave me a chance. You don't know me. You have no idea where I came from, what my story is or what I stand for. It's not like I don't understand or appreciate what kind of situations arise from a group of people who all grew up together in a small town...that was my life...but I took all the good little things I got out of living in a small town, and grew up...leaving behind all the pettiness. Life is too short to make so complicated. Unnecessary drama weighs you down and nothing positive is ever accomplished. I've been humbled beyond enough in my short life, and yet I still approach every new situation with an open mind and open heart.

People might say I'm's not about being gullable. It's just easier to believe that someone is telling you the truth. If they're not telling you the truth, that will come out eventually...but I'm not going to waste my time and energy trying to figure out if someone is lying to me. I just assume that no one would have a reason to lie to me...because those are the type of relationships I have. It's so much easier that way. There's no having to come up with stories and lies...and then even worse...having to keep the lies straight, and keep them going without slipping up...and keep them believable. Never ever ever EVER in my life have I ever had anyone refer to me as being fake...there's a reason for that. Believe in what you know is right. It makes life so much less complicated.

That aside. I love my friends. I love how real we are. I love how much we love each other. I love how we take care of each other. I can't imagine not being able to tell them something.

I love how much we laugh. We laugh laugh laugh...we burn each other, we burn each other goooooooood...we burn other people together...and then we laugh and laughhhhh...when we fall asleep at night we talk about how much our tummys hurt from laughing so much.

That's how life is. That's how my life is. And I love it. We probably will live forever if that's what they say about laughter... and this is why I would do anything for my friends. I will fight til the end for them if I feel they are matter the matter the outcome. I don't care who you are, don't ever think you can degrade someone I love, in front of me no less, and expect me to sit back and not do anything. You'll see a side of me you'd never think I'd be capable of possesing. And I know they'd do the same for me. I trust them to speak on my behalf...I trust them with my life...

And that's a DAMN good know that there's always someone looking out for you. They're also the type of friends that would kick my ass and completely regulate on me if I ever was..say...drunk and out of control. They would hog tie me and throw me in the back of a car before they would ever let me make a fool out of myself.

Love you guys :)
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