Iconostasis of the writer Aleksandr Prokhanov (village Afanasovo)

Apr 02, 2011 17:18

Iconostasis Prokhanov the sun was reflected in gold - just as a fantastic collection of insects behind glass. The oligarch Bernera in prohanovskom "Chechen Blues" was something like: "The collection, which he collected from antique dealers, to make reservations in remote towns of Siberia and the Russian North. On the walls were hung with saints and apostles and prophets, and just above it on a thick, pitted and blackened board St. Nicholas ... "It has long been known that Prokhanov special relationship with the icons: it is first proposed to canonize a Russian soldier Evgeny Rodionov, beheaded in Chechnya: http://community.livejournal.com/rublev_museum/31425.html

Most significant in prohanovskoy collection - the icon of the Protection of the Virgin of the XVI century.

древнерусское искусство, лекторий

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