Feb 02, 2012 01:18
"Don't worry, we'll figure it out."
"We'll find a way."
"It'll work out."
No. Don't ever tell me this. I want to hear:
"Don't worry, I figured it out."
"We found a way."
"It worked out."
Things don't just happen. Be logical. Be optimistic, but not delusional.
If you need to make a transaction, an exchange of goods, if you need to create an arrangement which requires the trade of MONEY, people are not willing to accommodate you. At the end of the day, people are not looking out for you. You're nobody. You're just somebody they can fuck over. If you are kind and trusting, you will get fucking devoured. I've met people who've inspired me and given me hope that there are DECENT, GENEROUS people out there. But at the end of the day, everyone is a fucking dick.