Phew. So I haven't updated this thing in days? Weeks? *shrugs*
Well, my speaker circuit failed. Basically I realized that my project was becoming more and more of an ambition that takes time to explore rather than a do-able project that I can actually get done in a timely manner. And so, as agreed with my prof. I was able to shift gears and I'm now working on a Flash game.
Pitch: My project is an interactive story that is built in a game format using Flash.
The basic story is that you're the main character who's been clairvoyant (a person who can sense or see spirits/demons) since childhood, but noticeable activity has stopped or slowed since you were thirteen (Japanese belief that is the age of adulthood from a demon’s POV? Researching…) because you've learned to sort of tune those things out. Here you are in college, living a normal life when you begin receiving these mysterious email requests from addresses that cannot be traced. These requests will be the things that give the player missions or scenes etc. My main goal is that in the beginning, there's a girl you always run into when you arrive in the morning for class and she's leaving because she's broken night from working so hard. Eventually you stop seeing her, you spend 30 game days leveling up relationships with other characters in the game and completing these email quests by obtaining items, speaking to NPCs and so on, and in the end of the game, you realize that this girl is responsible for all the emails. Although you've successfully tuned out any paranormal weirdness from your life, it has found another way to reach you- the internet. And all these emails were last requests from deceased. In the end, you will have to complete one final wish from the girl you always ran into those mornings. I'm still wondering what this quest will be.
I have enough functionality and graphics to show a basic demo of how the game will look and play for the presentation on Friday. Let's hope that it's enough to please. I haven't slept. I keep thinking about the presentation and I really like this project, but I worry others won't. And at the same time, I'm prepared to not care what others think, as long as I'm doing something I've never done before, learning and getting a good grade for it. There's still a lot I have to work on before Friday. Here's to hoping I get it all done! XD