Okay, so this is what my agreement was with my professor. If I can't get the speaker circuit working with either a new speaker from Radioshack that I went out and bought or my ipod speakers that I cracked open, then I can look into other ways of modifying my project. And so, neither speaker circuit worked. And although I can make changes, it seems like I can't stray too far from my sound project. So, now my question is what to use, what to do and can I do it in 3 weeks in time for the faculty presentation for midterm?
So, I've downloaded the
TTS Library and
Simple Speech Library that reads text from processing and speaks, or supposedly has voice recognition and will repeat what you say back (I have yet to get their example working, what's new?).
Then, I looked back on the
DIY mirror that my prof sent me and realized that it was using Flash. I had NO idea you could do that with Flash. Flash is actually my favorite out of all the other programming languages that I've learned and I dabble in it for fun, lately been trying to make a game in it, but I had thought it was so limited, I sort of brushed it aside for an interactive project. And so, I downloaded the
AS3glue Library? Not sure how to put it to use but at least now I have it.
I still want an interactive sound experience and it'd be cool if I can get either Processing or Flash to recognize words spoken and repeat them back or be able to edit what the responses are depending on what the software heard. I don't know if this is too far beyond my current knowledge though. A lot involves Java. Don't know Java. But I told my professor I was going to tinker around and by Thursday's class, have a firmer idea of what I'm sticking to because I'm tired of not knowing what I'm doing anymore after like two weeks. If I have to break night to make something work, then so be it. I must accomplish something this week. I gotta...