
Nov 05, 2008 17:01

Shortly after Omaba won the democrat nomination for President, I made the statement "If elected, the best we could hope for is James Earl Carter Jr and the worst we can fear is Harold Saxon."

Why did I say that, and why do I still think that?

The best we could hope for...
Jimmy Carter faced an energy (oil) crisis for which the he decided the solution would be to save energy through less use - rather than a balanced approach of exploring for new sources of energy and drilling for known sources of oil. This summer, Barack Omaba shunned the idea of additional domestic production of oil, and suggested that inflating car tires and regular tune ups would be enough.

Under Jimmy Carter, a new word came into the American vernacular to describe the hopelessness of the Economy, stagflation. He raised taxes during a recession, and continued the poorly thought out price control policies of the Nixon Administration. He suggested in his "malaise forever" speech, that Americans would have to learn to live with less, and that our best days were behind us.
Obama has said he wants to increase tax rates during a recession and increase the capital gains tax rate during a market slump.

Cooperation with a democrat controlled Congress
Jimmy Carter fought with the members of his own party, and large parts of his and the congresses agenda did not get passed. I don't believe that will be the case with Obama. (I did say that the best we could hope for was James Earl Carter Jr.8-)

The Worst we can fear...

If you don't know who Harold Saxon is, then let me tell you that he was latest guise of The Master in the British television programme, Doctor Who.

Harold Saxon ran for, and became the Prime Minister of Great Britain using the the Archangel network to create a low-level, worldwide telepathic field which allows him to subtly influence behavior, convincing a substantial number of the British public to vote for him.

Both of the Doctors companions (Martha Jones and Captain Jack Harkness), said they would have voted for Saxon because he just seemed so nice. To which the Doctor ask but what does he stand for?

To me that summed up Barack Obama to a T. Even I, during his early battles with Hilary Clinton, commented that I hoped he gets the democrat nomination because he seems so nice (paraphrasing). Later I came to realize no one really knows what he stands for other than "Change", and that much of his history is unknown (like Harold Saxon, hence the comparison).

Now, do I really think Barack Obama is the newest guise of The Master. Of course not.

But just in case, let me be the first to welcome our new Toclafane masters.
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