Stuff! Lots of Stuff!

Dec 21, 2006 20:29

On the twelfth day of Christmas, Rubinaeckles sent to me...

Twelve rainbows painting
Eleven scarves writing
Ten candles a-cooking
Nine beads acting
Eight stars a-giggling
Seven books a-reading
Six poochies a-dancing
Five bla-a-a-ack books
Four stripey socks
Three more books
Two silly tights
...and an indochine in a being pretty.

Yes, I thought I'd spread the amusement further.
As frightening as some of these images are.

Sooo, what, erm, 4 more sleeps? And Beth's present must be nearly ready now, might actually be finished tomorrow, and then I can wrap it. Oh, how I do love wrapping!
Tomorrow the small, fat Minty dog is going to be 8, which is just too shocking as it means Beth is nearly 18 - a month from tomorrow in fact.
And yet despite the constant Christmas music and the nearly thereness of everything, Jess and Peter being back, the Christmas Markets, the cold, the tree being up and the house being all sparkly and glowing, I'm still not quite there mentally, like I started too soon and it's all been stretched to thin. Or maybe I'm just growing up and what used to special about Christmas just isn't so much anymore - I can't get excited about presents when I know what half of them are - and I don'tjust mean presents to me, but I always like not knowing what anyone was getting, and especially the stocking things, which DID used to seem truly magical, but now they'll probably all be sitting there before I even get to bed. I'm slightly excited about the things I'm giving, but they've been sitting there for so long that I'd forgotten about some of them. I'm sure it'll all be as much fun as it usually is though. Yes.

Wish Dad hadn't come in and demanded to know pour quoi the Sirop de Violette had been purchased though, provoking a 'For fucks sake' from Mum. Because obviously it has been bought for a purpose and yes it won't all get drunk, and the bottle will sit there till next year... just like half the bloody liqueurs he buys and everybody turns their noses up at. Grrr. He can make me angry...

Anyway, I only meant this to be a short post, with an 'I'll post properly soon' but sometimes I get just a little carried away.
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