What? Rubin's on LiveJournal?

Jun 14, 2016 17:29

Yeah, Rubin's on LiveJournal. I know I made my "last and final" entry some months ago, but good grief, there's so much noise out there in the real world. And Facebook, Twitter, all that stuff; it's scary to write your real emotions out there without fear of being judged.

So I'm here for now, glad to see many of you didn't dump me off your friend list. Gee, seen the news lately? And I'm FROM Orlando! So there's been a TON of emotion going around, obviously.

Actually I came here because I wanted to tell someone, ANYONE that I just had an interview for a pretty big promotion. I really can't read the hiring manager's opinion. I was caught off guard by a question or two (What do you know about this role?) But then there was a presentation portion and I SLAYED that so, I dunno. Fingers crossed, yeah?

I'm working from home at the moment and should be wrapping up in the next hour. Be good to each other.

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