So im in CLICS library right now and I keep getting phone calls but I cant talk to anyone cuz of the bad reception. UGGH
I got a call from the midwife and I have to go to another ultrasound. Except i have to see a special radiologist so they can measure the exact growth of the baby just to be double sure I need to be induced. We'll see..Today I had an extremely busy day. At least it's done and now all I have to worry about is just one more class and im done with school. Maybe, if Im lucky I can get an A in all my classes. That would be great cuz I worked my fuckin ass off this quarter. I think ive put more effort into school while pregnant than I have ever before. WeIrD~! Yeah, im just waiting for Sara and Im bored. O yeah haha I took a pic of this dude at our school who got duct taped to a tree in front of GEISEL LIBRARY. hahaha We just stared at him, I guess it was protest/art. I thought it was comedy hhahah It was funny watching him rip duct (not duck) tape off his beard and shit. hahaha O well folks, enjoy!