Teenage dream

Aug 02, 2010 22:34

[mood |

Finally, July has passed and August just arrived. I had a longest sleepless nights ever since last Tuesday. Beat that! Roaming around the little corners, devouring titillating food that we can craved for and perhaps chilling at the bay with the strong gust of wind on a chilly night. I was doomed until today. Nobody goes "Hurrah, it's Monday!" likewise we cursed under our breath when we woke up first in the morning like any other days except for weekends because they are solely dedicated to have extra time like there would be golden time in soccer for the win! The other day I caught Precious with my team mates and I was horrified on how a beastial family can raised an illiterate daughter who had to deal with two incessed children by her biological father. Two days ago, Z and I went swimming at Anchorvale because we wanted to check out the cool slides and how vast is the swimming complex. It was exceptional as they are only missing the lazy pool and those big fat floats! Z and  Y as well as R are sorely missed! J is usually late thus no expectation there. Now my body is in agony due to playing netball last night. It was a long time back in high school since I actually played. Note to self, I need to invest on a new pair of running shoes in addition to a pair of boots (hoping it will give justice to last until the end of the year).
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