May 31, 2004 00:21
yea.. my weekend has been kinda random and boring also.
so two exams are over. english on tuesday-- i really should've reviewed for it more, but of course i leave it for the LAST day. what else is new.
and now i dont get this ending to this holy sonnet. i hate it when poems sound really smart and you wanna get them cuz i dunno they sound smart and funny in a weird intellectual way but you dont. ok anyway.
i really dont know why im getting so nervous over this english exam, i usually dont get nervous about english. then again exams this year seem soo much harder than years before. or maybe i just cant remember how hard exams were last year. who knows.
i didnt do much this weekend, saw saved! last night with brigid and kate. which was really funny. let's get our christ on!
and then kate and i met these sailors, one of whom was really hot. his name was mark except he said it like "mahk" cuz he was from boston. but then i had to go home. thats like the story of my life. i had to go home. just when things get kinda interesting. not that we couldve done much cuz we didnt have money on us. oh well.
today my grandmother came from india. and one of the old ladies living in my building asked me if i could set up her ipod for her, her son sent it to her which i thought was really sweet, and she got of my floor and i just thought that she lived on my floor but she came like nearly to my door before she stopped me and asked me if i would set up her ipod for her and how she would give me money lol. i said i would do it for free but money is always nice.. i guess. but i think i might feel kinda bad taking her money maybe.
i saw this reallllly hot guy living in my building the other morning when i was going to school, of course i probably looked like crap.. damnit.. oh well anyway i was really hoping i would see him some time soon but so far nothing. someone, i cant remember who, told me i should go up on different floors and see if i see him lol but thats kinda stalkerish..just a tad haha.. and also what excuse would i have being on like the 16th floor.. anyway finally apparently you cant press a button other than the one that you live on in my elevators cuz its all controlled by the doorman at the front. i guess thats to stop weird girls like me from going over the building looking for hot guys.. just kidding i hopefully would not resort to that..
anyway not much else is going on except i realized, brigid oh so kindly reminded me, that i havent really written much on live journal so i figured id update.