Clearly, it was a SLOW day at work

Apr 28, 2006 17:54

1. Family member you get along most with?
My mom, but my brother, father and I have very similar senses of humor. And my grandmother may be my favorite person on earth.

2. What is your favorite Christmas/winter movie?
Will anyone judge me if I say the Garfield/Charlie Brown/Grinch Stole Christmas lineup?

3. Are you a jealous person?
Crazy jealous. Oh, but I mask it well….

(that’s a joke)

4. What are you allergic to?
Nothing, and if DC fuckin’ changes that, we’re going to have words.

5. What books, if any, have made you cry?
Oh, Christ, too many to name. The most recent was “Lucky” by Alice Sebold.

6. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but never does?
It does, but I can’t say a damn thing about it, because I am the WORLD’S WORST at returning messages.

7. Do you hate anyone?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a large part of my personal maturation process was the realization that there were going to be people that I hated for no real reason. And yes, some of them, if given the chance, I would club to death with a stick.

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate chip. Dulce de leche.

11. What song lyric, if any, is stuck in your head at the moment?
“Saw a black flag sticker on a Cadillac. A little voice inside my head said, “Don’t look back, you can never look back.” “

12. Do you enjoy giving hugs?
Yes except when I don’t.

13. What do you think of Angelina Jolie being pregnant?
You all now how I feel about pregnancy. The fact that my celebrity crush is on the brink of bursting makes me want to VOMIT.

14. What character from a movie most reminds you of yourself?
I have no idea. Thoughts?

15. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
My side.

16. Would you ever sky dive?
Um, no.

17. What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
“Give it six months,” or some variation.

18. What did you dress up as for your first Halloween?
I’m not sure, but I have vivid witch and gypsy-Halloween memories.

19. What's your favorite TV show, now or in the past?
Mad About You. Laugh and I deck you.

20. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
Hmmm, that depends. I’m inclined to say men, as historically, my best friends have been men, but here in DC, I’m painfully short on boyfriends. Any takers?

21. Can others make you cry easily?
Seen me cry? Few. Made me cry? Fewer.

22. Who was the last person to piss you off?
Dude at work who talks to me like I’m four. Fuckin’ Duke lacrosse players. Generic chicks that hit on my girlfriend.

23. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Grammar. Nazi.

24. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
No. Carbs? Yes.

25. If you could be any type of fruit what would you be?

26. Were you a "planned" child?
I have no clue.

27. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Oy, too many to count.

28. What was the last thing to scare you?
Stupid Ring Two movie.

29. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
Mmmm, sleep. To function? 4. To function without killing innocent bystanders? 6-7.

30. What is your mothers hometown?
Pocohantas, AK.

31. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Gin and whiskey, but not together.

32. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
I rolled out of my girlfriend’s bed a few weeks ago….but intentional-floor-sleeping? Couldn’t tell you.

33. Have you ever been attracted to someone physically?
No, I’m a enuch. Yes, stupid!

34. What personality trait is a must-have in the opposite/same sex?
intelligence, sarcasm/humor…and big guns

35. Do you enjoy traveling via airplanes?
We’ve talked about this.

36. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
Covered? No. Delicately placed on the small of her back so that when I….mmmmmm, yeah.

37. Have you ever dated someone out of your race?
Hmm, I don’t think so.

38. Can you skip rocks?
I am so bad at this it’s embarrassing.

39. Who should pay on the first date?
Really with this questions?

40. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
I can’t decide if I want a tattoo.

41. Which do you make: wishes or plans?
I honestly don’t know.

42. Can you speak any languages other than English?
Spanish, French, Russian.

43. What is your favorite salad dressing?
This really bad-for-you ranch from the restaurant where I once waited tables.

44. What movies do you know every line to?
The Mummy.

45. Have you ever dated one of your best friends?
No, but I’ve had people I’ve dated BECOME some of my best friends.

46. Has anyone told you a secret this week?

47. When was the last time someone hit on you?
Dawg. I’m the bouncer at a lesbian bar.

48. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I would rather take it, but I try and make myself BE in the picture sometimes.
Usually when drunk.

49. Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
No, but every day in the summer. Ah, dirty feet.

50. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

51. What makeup do you wear on a daily basis?
Sunscreen, mascara, lip gloss.

52. How many siblings do you have, and where are you in the rank?
None. Except for older brother, two older sisters, one younger sister (ten points if you know how this works).

53. Have you ever ditched school?
I was so good in high school.

54. What's the sweetest thing you've ever done for someone?
Scratch that. Sweetest thing done for me? Made me feel beautiful. And this, my friends, ain’t easy.

55. When was your last road trip?
Somehow, I don’t think 18 hours in the rain to Madtown counts…..
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