(no subject)

Dec 16, 2009 04:09

So I was listening to current events while driving to work today in rush hour traffic and I heard one of the most depressing things, ever!

An 8 year old boy was removed from class and could not return to school until he had a psychological evaluation because when the teacher said to draw a Christmas picture he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. The main concern of the teacher's was that the eyes in the picture were X's...

Okay. So let me get this straight. So a kid young kid is kicked out of class and given the impression that he is fucked up in the head because the drew Jesus on the cross with X's for his eyes. How else is an 8 year old supposed to represent death?

I understand that church and state are separated and all that jazz but honestly? All we do now in this stupid country is talk about how Christmas is too religious and how we need to get rid of this or that because it's no longer a holiday for only those who believe in Christ. But seriously, how is that fair? Religion gets taken out of everything because someone who doesn't have the same idea got their knickers in a bunch and complained. We are supposed to accept this and be okay with saying happy holidays and all that other bull shit but the second a kid tries to represent a religious identity he is given an psycho evaluation and we are supposed to just accept this. I am so fucking sick and tire of this nonsenese.

The idea of Christmas before Christ was that the 25th of December was two days after the summer solstice and that was when the sun was noticeably some what higher in the sky. Later, the date came to represent the birth of Christ. Also it is to celebrate a fairy tale about a man who fixed broken toys and took them to kids. I mean...the origin doesn't really matter and no one is forcing anyone one else to celebrate it in a specific way so why can't everyone just fuck off and stay out of each other's religious business?

We take so much of God out of everything and us Christians are supposed to just bend over and take it. How is that even fair. We get ridiculed for being close minded and yet if you say Merry Christmas or put up a big North star in the class room it immediately goes to court and a huge stink is caused.

I personally do not care what anyone's religious affiliation is. I'll never try to force anything on someone and I am respectful of other's opinions. All I ask is that Christians get the same treatment. If you don't want Jesus thrown on you then stop throwing your anger and lack of religion at us. It's never going to be something that everyone agrees on so stop wasting time fighting about it and find something more productive to do than sending kids to mental doctors for drawing a christian picture or trying to get God taken out of every book, movie, and pledge in the U.S. Seriously...who fucking cares? No one is forcing anyone to believe so pull your thumbs out of your asses and get a fucking life and leave shit alone.

In the end...I honestly don't understand why we can't all just get along? Is it really that hard?

And just so you all know, I am not saying that all Christians are pristine in this. There are many who claim you will go to hell and blah blah blah but that's not a good representation of a majority of Christians. They do their fair share of causing a stink over something stupid, taking something too seriously, etc...I'm just saying as a me; as my personal self; that it's all stupid and I'm tired of useless actions being taken against something that really doesn't matter. So what is something has the word God in it. Just don't say it or don't believe it. I don't really care. In the end you're just wasting time and money trying to erase that word from the planet. That's all.

Me! A disgruntled Christian with a bone to pick with the world.

P.S. So how do you think that kid is going to feel about having to get an evaluation for drawing? That teacher may have just discouraged the next Van Gogh and now he will have identity and self esteem issues related to his religious views. What's the good in that? Congratulations whiny people of the world...you have broken another kid's spirit. Good job!
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