I thought this deserved its own entry, lest it get lost in the clutter of tonight's other post.
Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one of a lot of reasons why I like/love/adore you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love.
Oh, and
Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last Wednesday I farted in an elevator (-6 points). Last Tuesday I donated bone marrow to
lochnoir1 in a life-saving procedure (300 points). In August I signed my organ donor card (28 points). In January I committed genocide... Sorry about that,
allmestup (-5000 points). In March I gave
aestia a life-saving blood transfusion (50 points).
Overall, I've been naughty (-4628 points). For Christmas I deserve a lump of coal!
Duuuude. I'm more evil than even I knew.